WTS 30x30 on Ice


Looking to see how much I can get for this plot, there is absolutely 0 spawn around it, except for a wandering healer (which kicks ass), please let me know if you are interested and we can work on a price.




Given the current population and seeing how much others are selling I'd say around 30mil minimum. Being on ice kinda puts people off, even though it looks like a good spot.

Good luck with the sale!


Ahoy Tonycakes!

I will start you off with 20 million of my finest gold pieces sir ;)

thus a nice offer,

but im looking for a bit more my friend, 30x30s dont show up every day and there are a limited number on the server! 30x30s on grass go for about 45mil so im looking for at least 35 for thsi beautiful plot. you also get a permanent wandering healer to res all your characters! almost as good as an ankh in the house

Dale Winton

No worries matey. It's certainly a lovely plot. I've got a tiny bit more cash, but I think I'm going to have to admit that this is out of my price range ;)

If I find any phat lewts, or get a lucky drop I might be back :D

Thanks again mate!

Elizabeth Gold

I checked the forum history regarding 30x30 sales in 2016

Volco (September 2016) - Ageless, Grass, SE of Yew moongate - 60M
Violence (April 2016) - Grass, NE of Britain - 30M
Silly Santa (March 2016) - Ice Island - 32.5M (not sure if this is the actual sales price)
Caso (Febuary 2016) - Ice Island - 30M
Drinn (Febuary 2016) - Unknown - 22M (from the replies I got that this was an undesirable location)


I checked the forum history regarding 30x30 sales in 2016

Volco (September 2016) - Ageless, Grass, SE of Yew moongate - 60M
Violence (April 2016) - Grass, NE of Britain - 30M
Silly Santa (March 2016) - Ice Island - 32.5M (not sure if this is the actual sales price)
Caso (Febuary 2016) - Ice Island - 30M
Drinn (Febuary 2016) - Unknown - 22M (from the replies I got that this was an undesirable location)

we know who got thats yew ageless it wasnt 60 million all i am saying is i seen 30x30 selling for 17 mil on ice


Btw I love how every single person saying 30x30s are worth 50-60m are persons who own 30x30s.

No fucking house is worth that kind of money, but then again there is nothing else to buy so people with too much gold gotta spend it somehow

Well i payed 15mil for a 18x18 ;D the worth of houses depents on alot shit.

i rate this plot around 25m but still hard to get this price because the real estate market is buyerfriendly .

ppl with alot Gold are going for Cave or Island Houses ppl wih less Gold going for 2nd Meta Pet soo not much Gold left in the market for high end Houseplots. There are only about 4-5 30x30/Castle/Keep Spots (some still got small plots) ppl would spend ton of Gold for.


No love for Ice island..........

Still my two cents (which is only worth two cents to me)
Any 30x30 should be 40 mill min to start (unless ageless)