80k statue SOLD

Sweet Jesus

I am selling a Silver Zombie Statue (Halloween Event Statue)
I only need to sell this one last item so i can get 1k donation
I only need one more k donation to get a ethy that i have been saving for
All i need to get the last 1k donation is to sell this item for 80k
Please help me out i have been saving for a new ethy for a while now
I am goin to take a quick nap for a couple hours if not less
So leave me a pm or message on this post and i will get back to you when i get back on!
Your help will be really appreciated!

Sweet Jesus

This is a joke right?
When these first came out people wanted up to 300k
Now i cant sell this damn thing for 80k WTF people
No wonder why this sever is losing players!

Sweet Jesus

I think the sever is losing players because prices on the sever are so fucked.
People buying and selling always trying to make the most money off something.
Like I said this same statue use to go for up to 300k and now it wont sell for 80k
You tell me, Does that make any sence...


It's supply and demand as always.. Ppl don't want that statue right now so the prices are low, not to mention there are a lot out there. When a new item comes out ppl pay big bucks to have it THEN, but popularity wanes quickly.

Just look at the just warming up tricorne hats.. Everyone got one who was logged in and the hats sold for like 20k each. Then someone found out that they are a rare hue when cut up so ppl started hoarding them and destroying them. High demand and low stock make em go for 130k plus now.

Sounds like you are just impatient because you see an end goal of your ethy so close. Wait a month or two and you may get more for the statue.


So lemme get this straight...

You didn't sell at the high point in the market, so now you're complaining that people won't pay your high price? Then you moan because the economy is failing and people are quitting, yet people come to this server every day.

That makes about as much sense as Jesus and religion.

Sweet Jesus

Ight you know what guys im done trying to explain myself
Im moving on! Just goin to keep selling my shit and get my ethy!
If im on you can find me at west brit bank or docks trying to sell things!
This will be that last thing i say in this post!


Wish I saw this post. you were trying to get 1k donations conis out of me for it the other day. I offered you 100k