Both status windows displayed at once?


I really like having the large status window in the upper corner outside of the game window, to display weight, gold, pet slots, and stats in numerical form, but would love to be able to drag bars off my character and also keep the simplified life meter on-screen at the same time. I know this may be hard-coded into the base game but if there is any way to change this (currently having to choose one or the other), I would appreciate it and I'm sure others would too.

Also if there is some way to do this in-game already, let me know. Thanks.


You do know that both UOsteam and Razor can display both Bars and numbers in game window title? Also weight / max and ARmor.

And Razor only: gold, pet slots.


You can also add any stackable items (and assign a picture for those) in the razor counter bar (e.g. lockpicks, iron ore).
The pet slot bar is currently broken though.

here is mine (razor -> display/counters):

{char} Crime:{crimtime} Pets: {followers}/{followersmax} {gld} AMR: {ar} WGT:{weight}/{maxweight} {bp} {bm} {gl} {gs} {mr} {ns} {ss} {sa} {arw} {aids} S:{stam}/{stammax} M: {mana}/{manamax} H: {hp}/{hpmax}