WTS Cheapest SS -some cloooothes.


Charcoal Robe and Sandies combo(blessed) - 325k

Blood red tricorne(just warming up) and blood red sandies (blessed ) - 200k

blessed bright green sandies hue 368(bod reward?) - 150k

nightmare hue robe (marked, blessed, excep.) - 150k

2x night lights - 100k ea.

silver/vanq battle axe and warhammer - 30k ea obo.

Skill Scrolls

Poisoning(x6) - 10k ea.

Lockpicking(x2) 10k ea.

Provocation(x14) - 6k ea.

can check others by request.......
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I'll take the tmap set. @175k. Will have to be in the evening pst. Pm me if this is cool and we can schedule a meet.

And I'll take the 5k Plat @125k.