Cloth hue list


Isn't there a place where it shows all cloth hues? I know about d-wade page, but it just shows bod reward clothes.


What hues are you wanting? The BOD hues are really all that matter unless you are talking MotM as well...then that I am not sure.

Blaine the Gypsy

Well there's the standard dye tub/special colors, donation vendor colors, and BoD colors. Sadly color names and prices are not my specialty, but I would like to add a section to my thread with hues/value.


they list the bod colors at the d-wade page. but i heard that they are not important or demanded much. i think they are the ones that can be bought via donation coins or special events.

but it would be great if there was a list of all colors except standard dye, showing hue codes, estimated prices or tiers and how to access them.