Custom Housing fee


Pretty straightforward suggestion, take away the 10k gold fee for each Commit. Custom housing requires fine tuning sometimes to get things right, and the tool doesn't allow you to interact with your design in real terms until it has been committed.

It's a silly gold sink that serves no purpose other than to be annoying, and punishing to new players especially. I've never heard of charging 10k to commit a design, just the cost of the tiles/elements.

I lost 30k without realizing it earlier just because I was tweaking my entry way. Seems really pointless.


we have all been there, the fee is a good gold sink imo and its been around since custom housing came out.

Consider yourself lucky it was only 30k, i tried to re design my house drunk one night and spend over 150k and when i woke up the next day it was all fucked up and had to spend more money putting it back together,