Funny Shit


I died in my house several times. A couple of time were quite costly. AFK crafting wares for my shop.
I checked my security all is well.
Finally got the answer tonight. Pirates roll by my shop and shoot cannons into my shop hahah.
I think that is so awesome. (never a dull moment)
Please don't make it a habit Captain Jack hahah.
I am just a little merchant trying to make it in your world :)
I wonder if i sold them those cannon balls hahah.

Shop at Muddy Boots. We need your support :)
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The Trinsic Navy received word that an unlicensed smuggling outfit was operating near Trinsican waters. Needless to say this indiscretion was dealt swift justice in the name of her Governess @Skye Wolfbane.

The scallywags in charge of this hive of scum and villainy are struck down.
(Upon receipt of 20k licensing fee to the Trinsic Navy, smuggling operations may continue unmolested.)



Also please note this was the first visit to your shop... if you were attacked before it wasn't from this particular Scallywag.
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Awesome screens :) So I need to pay 20k license fee?
If that is correct I will gladly pay. Don't want to run an illegal operation :)


The Trinsic Navy received word that an unlicensed smuggling outfit was operating near Trinsican waters. Needless to say this indiscretion was dealt swift justice in the name of her Governess @Skye Wolfbane.

The scallywags in charge of this hive of scum and villainy are struck down.
(Upon receipt of 20k licensing fee to the Trinsic Navy, smuggling operations may continue unmolested.)



Also please note this was the first visit to your shop... if you were attacked before it wasn't from this particular Scallywag.

I do believe this area is protected by The Mage Tower.


So we have EQMS join fee to hunt in peace, we have Trinsic Guard harassing crafters until they pay a ridiculous weekly fee.

Any other extortion I am missing here folks?

Hit me up if you need a hand defending against these filthy role players.


LOL sounds like a fun player :)
Not like the nuisance players that blows themselves up all day on trapped boxes.
I recall on a shard i played the best PK was a GM tinker with hide stealth, and tracking.
He did so much damage haha. I respect players like that.
He would drop his boxes on mobs, leave them at your door, he found so may ways to blow you up :)
On this shard Tinkers don't get counts though. I would be so red :)


Unfortunately they nerfed boxes so you can't trap an unlocked box. It takes a lot of the fun out of it. I used to love dropping a few dozen stacks of log (in individual stacks for item/stone count) in a box, GM explosion pot trap and set it out near the bank and wait. Normally it only took a few seconds