Gem Reg Sort and Store


One of my most used macros .. For those who loot gems and regs off corpses this one is a must !!
This macro when run will search all bags and containers for regs or gems and move them into storage containers of your choice ..

Only requires that at least 1 bag be in the main pack .
Just run it and follow the prompts..

// $$$$$$$ Gem/Reg Sort and store $$$$$$$$
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// ?? By Amonseti
// ?? V1.3
// ???????????????????????????????????????
// ?? This macro will search your main pack
// ?? and all bags / containers for gems and
// ?? Reg's, and sort them into bag/s or
// ?? container/s assigned by you.
// ??
// ???????????????????????????????????????
// ??
// ?? USAGE:
// ?? Currently this macro requires at least 1
// ?? bag in the main pack to function.
// ?? Simply run the macro. You will be prompted
// ?? to select a bag or container where the
// ?? gems will be stored. A 2nd prompt will
// ?? ask you to target the Regent storage
// ?? container .
// ?? !!DO NOT!! Target a bag in your main
// ?? pack as a storage container , this would
// ?? silly results and could invoke a singularity
// ?? if not carefull !!
// ??
// ???????????????????????????????????????
// !! Clear data
unsetalias 'gem_storage'
unsetalias 'reg_storage'
// !! Create Sort lists
if not listexists 'gems'
  createlist 'gems'
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf16 // Amethyst
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf15 // Citrine
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf19 // Sapphire
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf25 // Amber
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf21 // Star Sapphire
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf10 // Emerald
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf26 // Diamond
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf2d // Tourmaline
  pushlist 'gems' 0xf13 // Ruby
if not listexists 'regs'
  createlist 'regs'
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf7a  // Black Pearl
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf7b  // Blood Moss
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf86  // Mandrake Root
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf84  // Garlic
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf85  // Ginseng
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf88  // Nightshade
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf8d  // Spider's Silk
  pushlist 'regs' 0xf8c  // Sulphurous Ash
// !! User Input set Target Gem storage
headmsg 'Please Select Gem Storage' '2124'
if not findalias 'gem_storage'
  promptalias 'gem_storage'
// !! User Input set Target Reg storage
headmsg 'Please Select Regent Storage' '2124'
if not findalias 'reg_storage'
  promptalias 'reg_storage'
// !! Start sorting !!
while @findtype 0xe76 'any' 'backpack'
  setalias 'current_bag' 'found'
  useobject 'current_bag'
  pause 600
  ignoreobject 'current_bag'
  for 0 to 'regs'
    while @findtype 'regs[]' 'current_bag'
      moveitem 'found' 'reg_storage'
      pause 600
  for 0 to 'gems'
    while @findtype 'gems[]' 'current_bag'
      moveitem 'found' 'gem_storage'
      pause 600
  pause 600
headmsg 'Done Sorting' '89'