

Handouts are rarely given here as any vet can confirm. The type of mentality seen in the above quote shows exactly why most items created by the staff require you to do work in an event to receive it.

There will be a ton of people that would love to have a blessed bonnet that were not on to receive it.

Let me also remind you all of the launch day halfys that are worth a ton but are also not hued.

How many people wear halfys vs bonnets?


All I'm saying is that if your going to choose a piece of clothing that NOBODY wears atleast dye it.

Ex. Lucky Hat


you can say things like ''ON IT LIKE A BONNET'' :D

can't handout the good stuff when everyone knows it's coming tho, VPNs and such

never know when they're gonna do that hehe, probably this month tho xmas stuff etc


Handouts are rarely given here as any vet can confirm. The type of mentality seen in the above quote shows exactly why most items created by the staff require you to do work in an event to receive it.

There will be a ton of people that would love to have a blessed bonnet that were not on to receive it.

Let me also remind you all of the launch day halfys that are worth a ton but are also not hued.
If by rarely you mean at least 5 times in less than a year, then I guess you're right.


The handouts are really just commemorative, anyways. Each article represents a piece of UOF history, good or bad, and personally I prefer a blessed hat (bonus points for it having a message, too!) over some l33t piece of gear that I didn't earn.

If you want free gear, there are pleeeeenty of other shards that will make you a god just for signing in.


Normally whatever, handouts are cool so just be happy, but ya I gotta say... A non dyed bonnet? That's the handout? Why even bother doing one? Nobody is ever gonna wear this dumb thing. Throw it in a chest and hope it's worth 50k a year from now.
Shit I dyed mine and wear it everywhere so um ya guess I'm one of the nobody's that actually gonna pimp it for a few hahahaha


People still complaining over a free handout that they did nothing for.. Or over the fact that they couldn't NOT press the log out button. They didn't even dc us beforehand. Jesus.
Idk why I expect any different every time..


I'm on the opposite end. I'm hoping they stop with the wearable/dyable handouts at boots and hats so as to not disturb the blessed market any further.

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