Healthbars showing wrong status?


Healthbars on people i fight keeps showing wrong health status. They usually show 10% even though the player has more health than that. And when they heal, it usually go down even further.

This happens to both red and blue players.

I recently joined factions, can this has something to do with the problem?


1. What version UO client are you using? You can find out on the screen you log in on.
2. What assistant program are you using? (Sallos, UOSteam, Razor)
3. Is this on multiple assistant programs, or just one?
4. If it is on just one, have you tried reinstalling it?
5. What operating system are you using?
6. Are you using the launcher?
7. Did you get this problem before joining factions, the second you joined factions, or some time after joining factions?
8. Could you provide a screenshot?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but might as well be thorough and get this solved soon


In my completely nonprofession opinion (as I do not PVP at all), I feel that is about the stupidest thing (IF and ONLY IF it is truly affecting the way we see health bars) ever. I mean really, if you can't know how 'low' your enemy is, how are you supposed to formulate an attack plan!?
Won't hear people yelling "He's red-lined! Drop a (insert weak spell here)!", be like "I THINK I HIT HIM WITH EBOLT LETS TRY IT AGAIN" "OH FUCK IT I DONT KNOW!"

But this may not even be the case at all, but if you can't see health, health is then not important.


Hey, thanks for your input.
Cant check my uo version atm, but im using uof launcher. Downloaded it 4 days ago.

I havent really seen the problem since i posted, so it might have been a local bug that got fixed after a reboot (however that would work).

And yea, sounds unbelivable that i/we shouldnt be able to see my opponents true health status. I truly hope that wasnt the intention with the mentioned patch :)