hello i want ask have know chines people here??


hello i want ask have know chines people here??
becaus i english not good....
so if have know chines people
please tell me how to play in this sever....
thank you~~
my player name is ch

This guy is a phony and a troll. Congrats on falling for it. Haha.
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I dont think he is. I was afk at docks earlier and when I returned, I saw some msgs from him via chatlogs.

@ch didn't see you bud. Im sorry. I was able to inform my friends bout you. Check your PM.


Man who go to bed with itchy ass wake up with smelly finger.

Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails.

Girl who rides bicycle peddles ass all over town.

Man who have head up ass, have crappy outlook on life.


Man who go to bed with itchy ass wake up with smelly finger.

Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails.

Girl who rides bicycle peddles ass all over town.

Man who have head up ass, have crappy outlook on life.

Where is that from? I swear I seen it somewhere, in a game probably, something with chinese cookies? Damn I got a bug in my head now...


The rooster’s crowing
In the middle of the night
Deceived the hearers;
But at Osaka’s gateway
The guards are never fooled.