House Plot, Paragon Chests, Statues, Scrolls


New to shard, hoping to get a price check on a few things, please.

10x15 3-story house plot - North of Chaos Shrine Along Mountain Range
Ogre Statue
Ratman Statue
+1 Inscription Scroll
+.1 Scrolls (Fletching, Tailoring, Healing, Stealing)
Glowing Rune (red runic writing looking thing)
Paragon Chests - Various Colors

Thank you. :)

Edit: forgot the dadgummed paragon chests
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10x15 3-story house plot - North of Chaos Shrine Along Mountain Range 300-500k depending
Ogre Statue-1-5k
Ratman Statue 1-5k
+1 Inscription Scroll
+.1 Scrolls (Fletching, Tailoring, Healing, Stealing) .1 scrolls most people save for themselves
Glowing Rune (red runic writing looking thing) 1k each
Paragon Chests - Various Colors 1-5k possibly, people have a lot of these usually