House Requirements


In order to have a house, a minimum amount of skill points are required across your account. I have three characters and a house on my account. If I delete one of these characters, will the house be okay? (The total skills points will drop below the minimum requirement for a house if I delete a character).


I am not sure what would happen I would suggest training the other two to max stats first just yo be on the safe side. You can always try it I would tend to think that the house will become condemned if you delete. If you do try post and let us know what happened.


Staff member
The requirements are only to get the house. It will be fine. You will need to get the requirements again if you plan on getting a new house.


Dropping below the requirement aside; What if I have 3+ days of in game time and 1200 skill points between 2 characters and I'm still getting the notice that I do not meet the minimum requirements. What am I missing?

Edit: Never mind. I found my answer. 24 hours rather than number of days.
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