How do I get started?


New Member
I Just downloaded the UOF starter, it's in the process of downloading the UO Client and all of it's updates.
What do I do when the UO Client has finished downloading. The website is a little hard to navigate.
I played UO for years, I just want to play again,


Yes you just type a random username and password and that will create your account. You can have up to 3 accounts per IP.

Something Provoke is a great starter character for gaining gold. I enjoyed my dexxor bard before I switched him to poisoning.

Personally I started with blacksmith and have a GM blacksmith so losing my gear on my dexxor would be so ground breaking. If you need and are when I am, I can create you a few sets of GM gear and exceptional weapons of your choice to help get you started.

IRC name is Weland.

---IRC: if you are new to IRC as I was when I got started, in order to participate you need register a nick and this is how you will do it.

*Type the Nick want when you join then type:

/msg nickserv register password email@address (replace password with a good password and your email address)

* You'll get a confirmation email accept it then reopen Mirc type your Nick wait a second for everything to load then your password.