Ilsehnar / Lost Lands - I Miss You...


Now this might not go down well with some long-time UO players... When I first started playing UO years ago, I was on Europa server... 99% of game time was spent in (non PvP) Trammel. I must have gone to Felucca (the PVP part of the game) probably only 10 times in all the years I played. So I've never been massively into PvP in UO, that wasn't the attraction of UO for me. I do enjoy PvP games but for some reason PvP in UO never really appealed much. I think it's partly because you've usually got no chance of beating another player in a one on one unless you're approaching the same level or above - or unless they're an exceptionally poor player, or they get random lag..

I think that's worth taking into consideration too - some of us who play the game don't even enjoy the PvP aspect of it much, instead enjoying the PvM aspect much more. So having vast areas with just monsters of an appropriate skill level, without the high probability of an attack by a much higher level player, is actually a good thing for us. We could enjoy the PvM aspect of the game without having PvP constantly shoved down our throats..

Maybe another reason we need to find the Lost Lands asap?


If you guys want pvp free hunting i would suggest a trammel shard. I dont personally pvp and it aggrivates me when im hunting and some asshat rides through and smokes me. That being said, every piece of gold i earn is EARNED and has an element of danger i wouldn't change. What would be stale and boreing would be hunting all alone with no chance of a red killing me. Sorry but you are wrong about this.