Make classic house storage more competitive


TLDR: Slightly increase storage of classic houses to make them more competitive and incentivize these classics to be placed.


After running around Sosaria looking for house design inspiration for a newly placed plot, I noticed two simple facts: most houses are custom houses and most custom houses are horribly designed. I have a headache from looking at these eye sores (disclosure: headache probably unrelated).

Classic houses have three major downfalls. The first is that they don't get teleporters. Not only are teleporters convenient but without them people can follow you into your house. Just see a recent posted by Manrik to see why this can be an annoyance: But this is fine. Being stalked rarely comes into play, and regular doors allow classic houses to maintain the nostalgic feel. I don't think this needs to be changed.

The second downfall is that you only get a deed back when you demolish a classic, where as you get your investment back with customs. This could use changing I think but that is a different thread for a different time.

The third downfall is that you almost always lose storage. Custom housing storage scales with the size. So it makes sense for you to utilize every tile of space to get increased storage. If you have a 12x12 space, you are best served by placing a 12x12 and not a Villa, because the Villa will give you less storage. The exception is the Large Tower, which gives you max storage in virtue of its size. And guess what? These are everywhere. This was the most common classic I ran across. Why? Because there is no lost storage.

Right now, I have space for a Max Storage. I would love, love, love to place a beautiful Large Marble or a Large Brick but I would lose almost 1000 storage to do so. It's too tough of a sacrifice, and I just won't make it. If the loss was less than 500, I would seriously consider it and honestly probably just go Classic.

The solution? Increase the storage of classic houses, making them more competitive. It doesn't have to be anything drastic. And I'm inclined to say that Large Towers and up don't need an adjustment since they are already Max or above max. But for all the other awesome classic houses, give them a boost. How many Large Marbles do you see out there? How many two stories? How many large bricks? I run across one every so often but it's pretty damn rare. Usually, I'm looking at junky custom houses or empty storage plots.

I think the big candidates for change are: large brick, large house with patio (1 tile away from Max storage and thus almost 1000 lost storage), two stories, small stone tower, sandstone, marble house with patio, villa, log cabin.

The result? A much better looking Sosaria with a much more nostalgic feel.


My house looks like crap, I would love to place a sandstone in replace of the garbage set up, also i have dirty dishes just piling up hahahahahahaha.


I have both a custom home and classic home but I think the worst problem is that I can't set the access level on the door of the classic home like I can with the custom one even though both are open to the public.


I have both a custom home and classic home but I think the worst problem is that I can't set the access level on the door of the classic home like I can with the custom one even though both are open to the public.

I wish to secure on the door to setup access levels


I wish to secure on the door to setup access levels


I'm glad your opinion on if a house is designed in your desired taste is now considered fact. Thanks for sharing.
Savage, but wouldn't mind classic homes getting a bit of a quality of life update.

Sent from my SM-G900P


Savage, but wouldn't mind classic homes getting a bit of a quality of life update.

Sent from my SM-G900P

Why? People have the option to place one. People can do whatever, that's the whole reason the custom housing is even an option.


Why? People have the option to place one. People can do whatever, that's the whole reason the custom housing is even an option.
It's simply a quality of life update to normal homes. I'd personally always choose custom, as I feel most classic homes are designed weird. However it's not really a bad thing if those houses are still on par, storage wise, with custom houses.

It's not really an issue that NEEDS to be addressed, but I don't think it's a bad idea either.

Sent from my SM-G900P


I think it does need to be addressed. One of the big issues I have is not enough space in my house. I have a classic, only because I did not realize that the storage space is that much less. Combined with the 1200 skill points required on my second account, limited housing space on the shard, and I find myself with a huge problem. House with too many things to store in bank/beetle to move, not enough skill points to put a house on different account, and no space to put it. If the Classic Homes aren't going to have the storages upgraded, then I think they should just be removed entirely to keep new players from wasting gold.


Custom housing has a maximum secure storage count that, with each item you put into a secure container, dwindles away but you aren't really limited to a set number of secure containers (you can pretty much have as many as you want with custom housing).

This is different than classic housing which is limited to a set number of secure containers, however a very important thing to note is that those secure containers (albeit limited) on the classic houses are not subjected to any sort of maximum secure storage count that dwindles away as you put items in the secure containers (the only limit to the classic secure containers [aside from number of them you can have] is the number of items in the container [just like your bank box]).

The other thing, classic houses come already "built" and are thus a whole lot cheaper and easier than a custom house of the same relative size.