Meta Mage improvements

Hello all i would like to suggest some things to do with meta mages. I was thinking now that we have 120 inscribe NON blessed slayer books would be a nice addition to the game. Would give those with inscribe a nice way to use it to make money like people with 120 Blacksmith do with slayer weps. Lesser and greater slayers would be a good idea also like demon dismissal and exorcism this would still keep the value of the blessed slayer books high but would give the meta mages some help in keeping up with the high damage beserkers that can out do most tamers. Also would like to suggest maybe some faster cool downs on some mage relics. Like the tread and double strike relic both start off at 30 second timers all mage relics start off at one minute. I would recommend 2 mage relics have the same speed cool downs as the beserker relics. So possibly shadow disciple relic...focal...and despersion. As of right now a tank dexer can out damage a meta mage at a champ spawn no problem. So adding these things should help make bringing a meta mage to a champ,RDA, or just regular farming a little bit better. Any feedback is welcome would like to know what the staff thinks of these ideas.

@eppy @Swayze @Shane @Adam


All good ideas, even consider changing the relics so that they last for more procs at higher lvls. E.g 1 proc lvls 1-3, 2 procs lvls 4-9, 3 procs at max lvl.
These changes, as well as adjusting cooldown timers would help bring them closer to dexers even though I don't think they'll ever be the same as we will always have mana cooldown.