Missing Lands.....


Is there any plans of adding some of the missing lands from the regular UO to this server?
I'm new to this server but like it a lot so far. But would love to see them add some of the missing lands!


I would like to see Umbra exspecially the city of Umbra I loved the vendor city. and is the one thing I miss about UOF


I cant remember name of the place, but I think it had the Hall of Kings in it. And it was a process to even gain access to it. like hidden doorways behind vines. Had to use acid on vines to pass through. I think it starts with Ter (something like that)


There were no untouched or unvisited places in the game that I didn't hunt. Getting back into game I'm starting to venture to more spots again.
And just for the record......I never crying about getting killed. Hell, that's part of the allure to the game......th risk of death...the risk of loosing your belongings. I just try to minimize those visit to the "grey" world....lol
Having said that, I do have my places I "farm" but I love adventuring to all the spots. Gotta keep it mixed up in fear of the game becoming redundant!