MOTM 2019


we no need new cloth, we need a motm mob in every dungeon, lvl 1 will be perfect.

So we can have pvm and pvp blue vs red and militia

in dungeon (better lvl 1) so people can recall there and farm instead recall in 10 different rune decresing the chance to meet pk/blue


Many people are driven by shiny pixels - why not a mob in every dungeon, level 1, along with the new cloth, so you get a wide cross section of people participating? I don't understand why we have to have so many limitations.

I'd only like to see new cloth introduced, if older cloth could be distributed somehow, slayer contracts are a decent idea, but if you were going to do that, I think you need to make it one cloth per month, and it changes each month, same cycle as it is now, so it doesn't devalue it too much, some people put a lot of coins into their trammel outfits.


i dont think slayer contracts are easy enough to devalue the cloth fast.

also keep in mind the lower rewards would be cloth, titles and spellbook.

+ the bigger rewards.


I've done 20 slayer contracts since they launched, and only gotten the gold reward, even if it was a 50k cloth, that's 1 million in rewards - I'm certainly not opposed to that considering the time I put into the contracts.

I also wouldn't call slayer contracts difficult, i don't do them that often, a few a week, but I did two at once on Sunday, in 4 hours. If someone really pushed/farmed them, they could really rack up plenty of cloth daily, and they are accessible to everyone, where MoTM you are limited by how much they are being farmed.


I really like Kidden's idea about making the slayer contracts drop the "old" MOTM cloth on their old respective months. Like make it so monster contracts in the month of January have a chance to drop besotted(Snow elem) cloth, monster contracts in February have a chance to drop the fetid(Ogre Lord) cloth, etc. I know very little about coding or how difficult it would be to make this happen. eppy has cows to raise we don't want to make him slave away over complicated coding.


I don’t know anything about that. Did they add something with hue colors to the test center? I can’t check tonight but I will tomorrow