

Hi! I am unsure how to raise provo on my mage char what things should i provo in what order and maybe some of the better places to do it?


Go to the bard table in deceit, it's the east most room on the first level, and i'm sure someone can hook you up with a rune. If you can't find one on the next few hours pm me and I will help you out when I get home.

I don't remember the levels you should change up but you can GM of 3 mobs pretty much start with zombies till 60-70s then pull a skeleton knight (make sure not too pull the lich or everyone will hate you) do that till mid 80s then use a rotting corpse to gm.

Make sure and always Provo on yourself and don't carry anything other than a handful if instruments.

Gl and just laugh at the sad PKs as they kill you for your lute! :p
Real easy go to Moonglow and get a Grizzly Bear provo on you by the Moongate. Then drag him towards town and get it so the bear is on one side of the fence and you're on the town side and macro proving the bear onto you. You need to slowly drag the bear towards the north western edge of the gate so it doesn't run around to the entrance of Moonglow and attack you.

Do that until you're around 70 or 80 I believe. Once that's done you simply go to the Deceit Provo table and macro a Rotting Corpse to attack you until you GM.

And the best part is if you want to gain higher than 100 provo, once you eat a Power Scroll you can use Rotting Corpses to get to 120 Provo.

Took me less than 48 hours to GM Provo this way.
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If you'd like I'll be happy to show you how to do both tomorrow and help you mark your own rune to the provo table by the rotting corpses. I'll even give you a rune book if you don't have ;)

Just hit me up on here or send me a message if you'd like me to get you situated tomorrow or anytime this weekend.
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Reds and griefers come in there to annoy the players trying to gain

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