

Hello! I am fairly
New to uof and this is
My first shard. I see many
Many guides and stuff on how to raise skill which trust
Me i am thankful for! But, i dont know what number(s) to go off i saw aguide named "guide to most everything" on the forums but i dont
Know which number to look at ( i use razor btw and when i go into skills tab it has 2 numbers per skill) any help is welcomed. And is there an unspoken default on which number the guide make uses? Thanks


You should always be looking at the "real" value. "Shown" is just how that skill will play into effect once you use the skill and stat bonuses are added in, but when raising skills always look at real, skill cap is determined by real skill, etc etc


Ok thank you . So if i only use real, why do they have those other numbers? Is it just to confuse new uo players? :D
Real is skill before bonuses from stats are applied. Shown is the skill that is used to calculate success and effectiveness.


For instance your DEX might give you a slight boost to Hiding, or something, so it will say "shown" 65 when really your skill is only 60. This means every time you try to hide it will treat your skill as if it was 65, cause you have the bonus from your DEX. As your skill gets closer to 100 these types of bonus thin out until they no longer boost your skill at all, basically once you hit 90+ skill you will no longer get bonuses from your stats.

If anything I wish "real" was the default on the skill menu and you had to click for "shown". That would be a lot easier.