Skill Scrolls


I have been doing a bunch of farming, and I have noticed I get a whole bunch of .1 Skills Scrolls. I don't really know what to do with a lot of these...they are much harder to sell, and seems not very useful unless its a slow to raise skill where you need that .1 or if you are dealing with pet stat loss. A few people have said they liked it better when it was only +1 skill scrolls, but I can see where the need for the .1 scrolls comes from. I just wonder is it possible to make the scrolls +1, with the option to do a +.1-+.9 so for example it would only have 1 type of skill scrolls....but if you were 99.7 instead of buying 3 of the .1, you buy one scroll and it just adds the .3. It just seems like it would make things a lot more simple. Less variety in skill scroll drops would mean more quality drops. Also, for farmers it is rewarding and enjoyable to get something other than just gold and the random magic item ...also would clear up some room. I don't know if it would even be possible, just an idea I had and wanted to share.

Li Meiyang

The .1s sell ok, just slower. I don't bother to loot them if they are combat skills or the like, but otherwise they sell for 200+ each.

The way I see it, I wouldn't just leave 300-800 gps on a kill, so why not take the .1?

I agree with your idea BTW. Just saying, they do sell.