Skills... gone


So, one of my toons on one of the accounts has a totally blank scroll when I bring up his skills.

The skill cap is still there and I can still cast spells effectively - so the skill itself is there I just can't see any of them (or use "click to use" skills).

I can add a "new group" and that stays there, otherwise the scroll remains blank. I have restarted client and PC.


EDIT:... they just all came back, but under miscellaneous. Very odd.


Recently answered a page about this. Have a quick solution i have seen work in the past. Open your skills menu and add 4 groups. Log in and log out. It is not the perfect solution but it will allow you to see your skills. Possible reinstall of client is a more severe solution.


So, one of my toons on one of the accounts has a totally blank scroll when I bring up his skills.

The skill cap is still there and I can still cast spells effectively - so the skill itself is there I just can't see any of them (or use "click to use" skills).

I can add a "new group" and that stays there, otherwise the scroll remains blank. I have restarted client and PC.


EDIT:... they just all came back, but under miscellaneous. Very odd.

This happened to me too. Odd I thought. But everything still works.


Yeah - its's random as it's happened to two of my toons, one on each account now. More a pain than anything else. If you add any other sub category they all fall back under misc. More a pain than anything else!