Uthrom's Tailor BOD Repository


Like my Smith BOD collection, I need to decide what happens with my Tailoring BOD collection. I seperated by bods by Cloth, leather, High End (HE) Leather, Bone and Shoes. I have NO IDEA what is in these books as i've never been a good tailor. i've just collected and stored and didn't track. So to make it simple i counted the number of pages in each book. Plus two random mix books.

To read my chart here is an example: For a book on Cloth, 10 count it will read: 10(8) - 10 being the count of items to be made, 8 being the number of pages in that BOD book used.

So a Leather 15(21) would let you know the book has 21 pages of normal/exception 15 count basic leather bods.

Here is the Chart

Book 1: Mixed high end (2)
Cloth: 10(12) 15(18) 20(26)
Leather: 10(8) 15(10) 20(20)
HE Leather: 10(2) 15(1) 20(4)
Shoes: 10(2) 15(3) 20(2)
Bone: 10(2) 15(3) 20(4)
Random Mix: 4 pages

Again - Want to get an idea of what this collection is worth and i want to make an effort to sell it.

The retiring Uthrom