Veteran Rewards.. not typical


To my understanding, the veteran rewards is turned off.

The one month statues were kind of silly but it would make them more valuable to have them come out random colors. People would trade them and it promotes people to stay on the server. That Said, I think one month is too short.

Id propose a veteran reward of a small statue like that after 6 months or a year and then 2 years. So in two years you may only get 2 or 3 rewards and most likely would be different from a lot of people.

Just an idea.


Not sure if I care about statues, but some type of veteran reward would be cool, gives people a reason to reach that milestone. Maybe a one use dye tub or something, doesn't have to be anything special, could be a trophy dye tube with one use, or the first trophy could change color with age.


Am I the only one to miss good old verite/valorite robes :D

With the recent handout of +1 AR patches for cloaks, I doubt they will add veteran robes/cloaks because they give +3 AR each. The veteran rewards were tied into conquests though. 1 month got a statue, 6 months got a title hue (i think), and 1 year for The Veteran title. I can see them adding in more once they figure out a better way to save conquests.