
My biggest issue with this event was that (again) it concluded around 4am for the CET time zone.. on a weekday. At least if it had been the weekend I could've stayed up really late (or woke up really early) to participate, but it seems like too many of these big events conclude in hours where most of those that are EU based can't possibly attend.


My feedback on the event is based on the new system only, I missed the first half of the event:


1. The event spawn mechanics are much improved. To have gradual spawn (rather than a drop of all mobs at once) makes it very manageable or at least provides you the opportunity to escape and regroup.

2. Gates just outside spawn areas were a welcome addition, for all the reasons previously discussed.

3. I personally would preferred not being able to see my score. When I joined in half way through, I thought to myself 'What's the point of joining in' but instead of being fixated on a position on a board, I saw it as an event I could participate in. I saw it as safe zone farming which allowed me to level up my low levelled meta tali. Of course the added bonus of farming

4. Fragments. The dangle of this carrot is what kept me involved. I knew I wouldn't be in the top ten or whatever, so the idea that I could farm fragments was an added incentive. I only got 7 and so I sold them all (gambling that they wouldn't enough for a decent reward!)

5. Any class could attend. In the past I've not had a tamer and thought I'd struggle without one. This event catered for all play styles. Of course people will moan about dexxers doing so well etc, but personally, I think making an event all inclusive is more important and this was largely right. Which brings me on to

6. The effort by those that contributed was awesome. Clearly listened to what people have said before and adapted. Some nice story writing to give contact to the quest and some awesome players who helped out throughout the event. To all those who looted me when I got accidently guard whacked, only to give me my stuff back on rez. I salute you!


1. Whilst I, like everyone else who suffers, hates the Zerg - I think pvp needs some form of inclusion. The last few days will be the safest farming I'll ever do. Guard zone, plentiful one/two hit mobs - I farmed about million without once worrying about losing anything. Of course, the real difficulty here is how to get the balance right. (see below)

2. The mobs were perhaps too easy. Whilst this made it more inclusive generally. There can perhaps be ways it can be improved. (below)

3. Inevitably these things can get a bit repetitive, but then that's the nature of these types of games I suppose. I don't think there is much the staff can do about it!


This probably needs more thought, but my initial thoughts are:

1. Make certain areas of invasion spawn harder than others. The main point of this is to encourage group play. I solo'd this whole event, avoiding the tough critters if they were near me.

2. If possible, make the story/event slightly more interactive. Is there way to add in little variations for a hour or so during these events? Mobs drop something needed for whatever purpose for an hour slot? Bonus points to whoever gets it (and those in their party..?) could vary it up and encourage more group play. This may just be unfeasible.

3. Incorporate some pvp some how. The difficulty I see is that there doesn't seem to be solution between being fully safe and fully dead. Personally, having played lots of evil rp characters in the past, I think there is room to allow reds to fight on the side of the invasion. Turning certain guard areas off and encouraging everyone else to have to enter it would be ideal. No one is forced to pvp, reds get some action and greater chance of rewards maybe? But the bottom line for me, is that invasion events will always be pvm suited. As they should be. Perhaps the answer is to create week long events which are intended for pvp?

Personally, I think a bit of chaos would be amazing. Imagine a week long event whereby there is a civil war, or the guards everywhere go on strike. Chaos on the streets. Everywhere! People needed to defend spots to keep them relatively safe and allow normal life to carry on etc. Theives, thugs and low life would have a great time and the rest would be encouraged to group to fight it!

All in all. Much improved event. Kudos for all the work

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Elizabeth Gold

Please respond here with your positive feedback.

I noticed Shane made another post It all ends tonight and a request for screenshots so I assume the event is over now? So maybe a little constructive feedback from my pov.

Big bonus points:
  • Announcement: Placing a post on the forums is nice but people may still miss it. Several ingame announcements made sure everyone was aware of what was going to happen. This allowed people to prepare for the event properly. This might seem like a minor thing but from the perspective of crafters and merchants, these are exciting times!
  • Timetable: The biggest disappointment about event is missing out on them. Specially if you live in a non-US timezone this can be problematic. Having the events run 24h/day for several days allows everyone to participate without having to reschedule your own agenda is very liberating.
  • Accessibility: I love the idea of mixing a few harder monsters with a bunch of entry level monsters. I saw various templates participating in this event without excluding anyone. There were even a few young players who were attending! The point system makes sure even focusing on the entry level monsters can be rewarding.

Other remarks:
  • Earth invasion: Loved the idea of mixing various elements so people had to work with different templates to get things done. Like the pet immunity, also the weapon/armor breaking elementals. The only thing I detested were the sand vortexes. They are a pushover, but they did a lot of ranged damage. Since the spawn was so dense, this often was a PITA when a dexxer has several 'misses' in a row.
  • Air invasion: Sorry, missed this because I made other plans. I'm sure the unexpecting miners in Minoc hated it :)
  • Fire invasion: I think this was your first testrun with the new system in place. It was a bit monotone in terms of monsters in the beginning but that escalated quickly. The only thing I hated was that the spawn was dieing out due to remnants being stuck inside the city walls. There were a few resets to temporarily fix this, but yeah... I live in an unlucky timezone so there were a lot of times when others and me were like: 'screw this, I'm going to do something else'. I'm sure this is already on your 'lessons learned' list :)
  • Water invasion: Perfect location! People at hotspots (bank, healer and other buildings to protect them with LOS) had some downtime between spawns but if you wanted some real action you went into the open fields were you got attacked form all sides and it was a lot more challenging. The mix of water elementals, tidal wave thingies and krakens was perfect. Tamers did a little complaining once they started pettanking the krakens, that all dexxers jumped on it. Sup-price, sup-price! Elemental/water slayers didn't work in it so we it's nice that tamer got their own 'Ha, fuck you dexxers'-moment. I think those blue krakens were actually balrons in disguise. Also, potionloot on water elementals gave me a much needed lesson in the importance of potions!
  • Elemental Bosses: Unfortunately I missed these due to timezone differences. It would have been nice if I were able to witness at least one of them. At least I'm great-full that there are pictures on the forum so I can see the massacre that took place.
  • Town safety: I understand reds and griefers feel that they are being left out of these events and they do have a point if I'm being honest. But then again, I never saw so many people act nicely toward each other it actually restored my faith in other players. No looting corpses from each other or from fallen players due to guard intervening... no people were actually resurrecting strangers and helping them to recover! Including this server's punchbag guild EQMS.
  • Fragment crystals (and other rares?): Opening every corpse, checking if you got looting rights, dragging out the gold. I get it's tiresome and will drive some people to use looting scripts. However, that poses an unfair competition when it comes to grabbing the crystal (or other rares that I may have missed) from the corpse. Probably a minor issue, but still an issue to me. A lot of people weren't informed about these crystals eighter so they didn't bother checking for them until the last phase. Maybe this should have been more in the spotlight, but then again it was posted on the forums.

Overall, I had a great time but I welcome a little rest now and will retreat to mining again!
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Filtering out the last 3 posts (thank you):

Changes needed:
timezone (announcement) issues, Some sort of PvP incentive, more unique spawn.

Timezone issues:
We will work on this, however since it was a 24/7 event it was pretty fair. The bosses however definitely could of been announced on a better scale and time table. We didn't do this because we were not sure, and thank goodness because i personally had a PC issue that pushed the entire BOSS event a day ahead.

PVP Incentive:
This will come, we have a great solid base to work off of now, and we will implement a certain system that may or not be applied to an invasive event that will be pvp orientated. With this we understand that this is a PvM type event overall, and always has been. There will be more than enough PvP style events coming very soon.

Stale type spawn:
I can state here that there was not a huge amount of thought put into the spawn types or spawn ranges in the last half. We were more interested in seeing and testing the factual number outcomes from that half.

So the unique spawn issue is something that will just be up to the creativity of those who create the events in the future, which is great!

If I had to guess, I think meta dexxers still outperformed bards and tamers. I spent quite a bit of time at the event, and the dexxers were flying all over the place, especially after the nerf, just destroying anything that moved. Curious to see final results as well.


However, there's a few tamers that really put in some work at the event, most notably daily llama from werkt. Also saw knightfall and @ProdigyOsi quite a bit.

1. I liked the first two phases with the old system where you could actually see your score, it gave you something to work towards and achieve and try and maintain.

2. The new systems graduel spawning system for the most part was a huge success (I did however get a huge wave spawned on me a few times, it needs work)

3. I love how pvp for the most part was kept out of the event. This actually let me use my good items rather than roughing it out with crap items in fear of losing my good items (which i still lost a lot of very good items but it wasn't due to another player killing me which was refreshing) I wouldn't even have attended this
if player killers were allowed to run wild and that is my honest opinion.

4. I enjoyed reading the storyline and the artwork was fantastic!

5. Loved the mobs dropping hedge deeds, statues and fragments! Gave me something to actively search for and was rewarding when i found these items =)


1. Mobs getting stuck inside of walls so much that it causes the spawn to completely stop and then when it gets reset BAM you get smacked with a huge wave not a gradual one and when the mobs get stuck and the spawn slows down it stays that way for hours (mainly during phase three fire phase)

2. This didn't personally happen to me but I hear this happened to quite a few people. Getting guard wacked for no reason at all from what they can see. Like out killing stuff solo, looting the mob you just killed 100% solo then turning grey and someone runs up calls guards or an npc would see them and get GW. We can speculate all day how this could happen I'm just simply bringing light to the situation.

3. The new "scoring" system was a huge let down, no info whatsoever. "You will be able to see your placement soon, however you will no longer be able to see your own or any other players score until the END of the event. In other words you can see every participants placing rank, but not their actual event points which determines that rank level" I was never able to see my placement and STILL cannot see my score even after the event has ended. Now I know "after the event has ended" can translate into any time frame after the event has ended but you know players that have farmed literally 50+ hours are dieing to know and I think it is highly unfair to keep us in the dark, which i feel has been the case ever since the new "scoring" system was implemented.

4. These Crystalline fragments. "You can combine Crystalline fragments into a small, then medium, then large, then a chiseled Crystal." BTW this is false information and if it is not then no one knows how to combine these suckers not even a GM that was paged. Now i see the comment already coming, A GM isn't going to tell you how to do that! Well I'm just relaying what was told to a friend of mine who messaged them when asked about the subject "I have no idea" AND again I know this could come at a later date BUT THEN POST SAYING THAT don't say something does something and then just leave it at that, it really reflects poorly on the staff in my eye and this is not an attack on them! I know their plate has to be full but come on if you are going to do something, do it right or not at all. We see how the ultima series ended when EA took over and rushed unfinished games out the window to meet deadlines... the fans were pissed!


1. I really think it is silly that a town is under attack but yet the vendors are just going about their day like, what up Mr. mob that is trying to burn my city down, how you doin. Get them involved! Would be really neat to see guards trying to defend the town as well. Not saying let them kill the event mobs but make it look like they are defending the town in which they love so much that they choose to guard it with their life! IMO it would add the the immersion. Maybe set some of the buildings on fire. Set the tone! We need a back drop to this take over lol!

2. Use the Town Crier to get info out! People would need to go to them to get news on what is going down! I mean what else are they there for?

3. Implement mini achievements for each new invasion for the hard core players who are in it to win it with something that they get to show off their achievement. It doesn't even have to be something huge and wonderful maybe a title or a non tradable wearable that they could show off just how dedicated they were to the event. I think these players should be rewarded above everyone else because they put in the most effort! Sure i know they do get the best rewards but a mini achievement would help the grind along and keep players actively engaged!

4. A faster bump in mob types, hell you could even make it gradual but farming water ele's for ten hours with a title wave here and there was dull and boring. Just asking you guys to mix it up a bit more so it doesn't become stale.

5 Aside from the main bosses maybe implement generals and commanders of each main boss to kill at the end of each phase would wrap things up nicely and have them drop the standard PS, relic, artifacts etc... you guys take it from here!

6. Not sure if the bosses already do this but have them RP! Let them speak to us just exactly is on their minds and again this would add nicely to the whole immersion!


Staff member
Filtering out the last 5 posts (thank you):

Changes needed:
timezone (announcement) issues, Some sort of PvP incentive, more unique spawn.

Timezone issues:
We will work on this, however since it was a 24/7 event it was pretty fair. The bosses however definitely could of been announced on a better scale and time table. We didn't do this because we were not sure, and thank goodness because i personally had a PC issue that pushed the entire BOSS event a day ahead.

PVP Incentive:
This will come, we have a great solid base to work off of now, and we will implement a certain system that may or not be applied to an invasive event that will be pvp orientated. With this we understand that this is a PvM type event overall, and always has been. There will be more than enough PvP style events coming very soon.

Mobs Getting stuck inside walls etc.

We are aware of the scoreboard not showing (This is for a reason)
We are aware of the crystallines now being join-able(This is for a reason).

Stale type spawn:
I can state here that there was not a huge amount of thought put into the spawn types or spawn ranges in the last half. We were more interested in seeing and testing the factual number outcomes from that half.
So the unique spawn issue is something that will just be up to the creativity of those who create the events in the future, which is great!


the one thing I liked about the event is I saw a lot of the "new" players taking part in the event. It had something for everyone. I think the range of "over easy" mobs all the way up to "dang that is a hard mob to kill" was perfect. The event had something for everyone.

the only thing that I wished was changed and don't know if it can be done or not is this.

The more players in the area, the more mobs that spawn. The fewer the players in the area, the fewer the mobs. I went into the gate one night at 11pm cst and was killed as soon as I went in due to so many mobs and just a couple of players around.

Great job on the event though, Hats off to the staff for an amazing event.

100 eyes

Nice event. I didn't do it for long, maybe two hours total on the water ele section. In that time I made about a million gold (6 fragments, a fallon ele blob statue and about 200k gold). All of this was with a fresh dex build that took a few hours to make, so it was easily accessible by anyone, new or old.

+ve comments

- The spawn was nicely spaced out and didn't get too hairy.

- The random drops on mobs kept it entertaining for me. I got 2 hedge deeds and I know they're not worth much but I really liked this and would love to see other small items similar to this at future events or even really rare drops like named sandals, clothes, etc.

-ve comments

- My EU timezone meant I missed the bosses but I'm used to this. I'd suggest maybe putting the boss on weekends but in this type of event it wouldn't really be feasible.


- As mentioned above, include some PvP to get everyone involved. I wasn't going to bother with the event because the thought of hitting mindless mobs hours on end sounded a bit boring but I gave it a shot. I'd suggest maybe 2x or 3x the score on a red char and maybe 1.5x the score on a factioner. This way people would know there would potentially be fights.

- There could be areas that have guards disabled and everyone is freely attackable with either increased drops or a 2x or 3x bonus.

Overall, a great event. Well done to all involved.


Loved This Event!!!
~I would change the portals tho. During the Spawn part, they were Great! outside of danger (for the most part) but where you an just go a few screens over and hop right in.
During the Boss section, moving the portals to the black stones was basically suicide going through them. I would keep them back out where they previously were during the spawn portion of the event.
~I loved how spawns were gradual, only like 2-3 at a time in a closed spot instead of everything all at once.
~Final attack from Hydros + Opening attack from Harrower = instant death lol
~Drop rate was good. Didnt see any crystals but then again didnt farm as much as others, but there was still gold and a few items that were semi rare for those of us that are more casual so all in all had a great time!


Young Star

I liked a lot of the new spawn system. The gradual spawn rate was an improvement over the "re-pops" that the old system had sending you running for your life.

The only problem with the new system spawn regen rate was in Serpents Hold where a lot of it was stuck in the walls. When a GM intervened and reset the spawn the gradual spawner went into hyperdrive and it wasn't too much different then a "re-pop". You kind of had a small window to notice that it was happening and turn tale to run.

I was left a little puzzled by the phase 4 water element spawn ratios. When it first stared there was a good balance of water eles and Tidal Waves with a sprinkling of the Teppid Bathwater. Then in the morning all the tidal waves were gone and it was just water eles and TBs. It wasn't that they were being killed off quickly by a big group of players, they simply were not spawning. No corpses for them at all. I thought it was a GM playing with the system or turning down the difficulty because the amount of participants was way down in that time slot. In the evening the ratios were back closer to 59/39/2 WEs/TWs/TBs. Then again the next morning the TWs spawn rate was cut way down, closer to the TBs rate. Having those mid-level mobs turned off or nearly off really took away a lot of the challenge.

One thing I feel that would be a great addition is to have the system spawn mid-level bosses every so often. Call them generals or whatever ranking makes sense for the role playing. They don't have to be as strong as the dungeon boss type of mobs but maybe to the level of a RDA or champ boss. Maybe even spawn like 3-5 depending on the size of the town so that everyone has a chance to battle one and not have just one get mobbed on. They don't have to drop anything special but just something to change the pace for a short time.

Not having the leader board ready to at least see the standings was a little frustrating but not the end of the world. I know in the future that it will be there.

I think the area limit for how far the spawn can travel out of the invasion should be widened. It was too easy to lure a big group of mobs or a kraken out of the range to de-spawn it. That invisible fence was too tightly placed around the towns.
I think the area limit for how far the spawn can travel out of the invasion should be widened. It was too easy to lure a big group of mobs or a kraken out of the range to de-spawn it. That invisible fence was too tightly placed around the towns

I think this was done because of Minoc. I was in vesper and someone had lured a poison ele paragon right into town and guards could not be called on it.

Young Star

I think the area limit for how far the spawn can travel out of the invasion should be widened. It was too easy to lure a big group of mobs or a kraken out of the range to de-spawn it. That invisible fence was too tightly placed around the towns

I think this was done because of Minoc. I was in vesper and someone had lured a poison ele paragon right into town and guards could not be called on it.
I know why it was added. That was one of several reasons. I was just making a critique that the limit be given a larger buffer zone and not strictly be the guard zone line.


I would like to start off by first saying that I enjoyed both invasion systems for different reasons. I had no problems what so ever with the event itself at any stage. I like the idea of this event being in guards personally. Its hard enough to really do one of these w/o being pked repeatedly. I do agree there should be something for pvpers put in. (I think that is going to be kingdoms though)

I liked the old system mainly for the scoreboard, I dont need to see the actual points just a rank would be fine. Im not sure if it was added or not but I never saw a scoreboard for the 2nd half of the event. Everything about the new system is awesome, love the idea of the crystals, love the new spawn progression, love how the gates were moved. The only thing I didnt care for was not being able to see the scoreboard, but I've saw a photo of it so I know it does exsist, maybe it was just my client that wasnt showing it?

Now for the one part of the event that I didnt really care for, The Titan Bosses. I dont know what it was, seemed to only happen to some people while others werent affected... but I kept losing connection. Id log back into a gray screen everytime, its ok though if thats only problem I encountered during a 10 day long event.

That being sad, it still didnt change my outlook on the event as a whole, I had a great time at the event and would like to thank @Shane and @Swayze for putting in the time for the new system.

The only person who may not like the old/new system is my wife. She was fine with it until she realized how much time it was actually going to take.

Thanks to everyone who participated.


The spawn system was perfect.

The crystals were fun. Finding one would create a 'Jackpot!' moment, which I think improved the experience.

I play a tamer, but I've got to say that the predominance of the non-taming classes made the environment more exciting (faster moving, more diverse, etc.) than I suspect it would have been had the tamers predominated.

Constructive criticism:
TL;DR: Make bosses fun to fight.

Many, or most, players are here because they enjoy playing MMOs in which the player's skill at the game is relevant to their outcomes. However, in the boss fights, it seemed that the outcomes for individual players was entirely unrelated to player skill: The event bosses were novel, so you didn't know when they're going to drop their bomb that kills everyone on screen. If you don't know when you will die, how can you do anything to prevent it? If you can't do anything about it, how could skill possibly affect your outcomes?

Moreover, many, or most, players couldn't get to their bodies' in order to retrieve the supplies that they needed in order to continue to fight the boss. Consequently, I suspect that, for many players, the boss fights consisted of running to the ankh, and then to the bank, and then running back, firing three e-bolts and repeating. That is both boring and frustrating.
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Cash is King

The new system is way better, excellent job all around.

Suggestion: Make the spawn progressively more difficult as time goes on. If the event runs 48 hours, have 4 levels of spawn and have the time broken into 4x 12-hour segments. The 1st level monsters are 1 point, 2nd level monsters are 2 points, etc. Just like the champ system in a way, but on a larger scale and only 1 type of monster in each level. After each level (each 12hr segment) have the level finish off with a mini boss which drops 3 fragments and a reasonable chance at an artifact or something decent like the new rares on monsters, because why not.

Make the boss more fun/interactive, by giving it the ability to teleport within 10 tiles. Something more than standing still or slowly moving around one tile at a time with 50 people attacking. Teleporting around would fuck shit up and cause a ruckus which is what a boss should do.


I had a ton of fun at the event! It was a really great experience for me, especially freshly returning to UOF from a long hiatus. Seeing all the new/young players tearing it up was also super exciting. I only have one major criticism:

The first two parts were EXTREMELY skewed towards benefiting dexxers and especially high level meta dexxers. The ridiculous over-the-top insane point totals a few of them achieve during these phases is over-inflated and undeserved. Worst of all, if held at a 1:1 ratio would basically deem all the hard work so many people put in under the new system at 1/3 value. I say this as a meta dexxer as well!

Aside from that, the new invasions system was incredibly fun and rewarding (looking at you crystal fragments).

The idea that keeps popping up for periodic general-type spawns is a great idea as well! I think everyone was hungering for a little more challenging spawn at one point or another.

All in all, the staff running the event, and adam for designing the new system should be proud of the results! Looking forward to the next one!

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