Weapon hotkey?

Young Star

Look in the steam script sub-forum. If you are new I would look at getting set up in Steam before you get too far into razor.


Depends what client you use, with Sallos I know you are able to set up macros/hotkeys for Slot 1/Slot 2 and so forth.

I highly doubt you are using Sallos though, with Razor which I can only assume you are using check under Hotkeys>Dress there may be something you can set up there!

Sorry for not being more helpful but I don't PvM much at all :p

Young Star

Also just making a basic hotkey for toggling left and right hands will work too. One button for left another for right. Most swordsman are one handed and the game considers them being in the right hand. All archery weapons are two handed and all two handers are equipped in the left, as well as shields.

Initially to get the game to know which weapons to arm you first have to pick one to equip in the paper doll then hit your hotkey and disarm it. Now it will always try to equip that specific weapon for that hand.


Ya, best bet is to go on Razor and set a hotkey for arm/disarm left and right hand. Then, you equip the weapon and disarm, and when you click arm again it will equip the one you want. You can have 1 sword or 1 hander, and then either a shield or a bow or 2 hander. I use alt- [ and alt- ] for my arm/disarm and works well and helps me remember which is which.

Li Meiyang

I have all my weapons set to different hotkeys.

1. Disarm
2. Lift weapon (just record it in razor by using your disarm hotkey and then lifting the desired weapon to arm)

This is great because I can cycle between different weapons with just a keystroke.