

Has anyone subscribed to the premium version of this? I mean the free version really does help and removes a vast amount of the giant spikes which happen a lot when the server fills up, but before I decide to go premium would be nice if someone else has experienced the 'full' package to this.


yeah, as a player from canada I lag a lot almost to the point I don't even feel like playing,some days will be ok, and others will be so bad to the point I just log off for hours, I have a high end gaming computer along with a good connection can play other online games with high fps, maybe it's time for and upgrade on your end, I noticed the same thing other players have as soon as we get higher numbers the shard laggs, I have talked to a few of my friends who when tried playing this shard gave up on the first day because of lag issues.

Are we looking into a upgrade anytime soon??

wendy whoppers

I use it since lowerpping seems to stuff up with my connection and never connects. As an Australian i can't play without it!

Seems fine, but I think LP is better when it worked for me. All my guild mates from Aus/Asia use lowerpping tho