You, your mount, and stamina: Suggestion (Not the usual)

Blaine the Gypsy

I know all of the posts are mostly about HEY WHEN DOES STUFF GET TIRED OR HEY CAN WE GET DISMOUNTS?
I do believe you can control the speed of a mobile. Why not have that come into play? THEY ARE RUNNING FOREVER!!! BUT wait he's slowing down... figure out some sort of system to do this. Even with Ethereal mounts... even being on foot. It's always run or be at a complete stop. I suggest looking into a slow down method. I know... I'm crazy right?


para, stun, para blow, be faster then the others, i think its enough. I dont want miss the possibility to run away from a gank.

Blaine the Gypsy

The same rules would apply to them. They'd have to worry about slowing down. It's the whole BOOM YOU ARE FROZEN that is just blah. For years even Reapers attempted to be released from this and moving slowly. Exes and the barbarians move slow for whatever reason...