"Your equipment is severely damaged."


I come across this message all the time because, thats how I roll.

Problem is....I cant seem to figure out HOW to determine which piece of gear is damaged.

Any help?

If it is a piece of armor that is damaged, usually, the larger pieces like chest, legs, and arms are the first to deteriorate. Gorgets, gloves, and helms will last longer than the afore mentioned pieces. That being said, Halygon mentioned the most effective method to keeping weps and armor lasting as long as possible, just repair everything.


I have to agree with the "repair everything" method. While I can technically use my crafting secondary to figure out which armor piece requires repair it's easier to just repair everything. The repair scrolls are cheap enough that the cost to play it safe is negligible.


Also, for the record, if you do have a crafter you can use a crafting tool's "Repair" option and target a blank scroll. It will turn into a repair deed.

I suggest only doing this at GM or higher skill. Otherwise you are better off just buying repair deeds from vendors for 20gp a pop.


Now I remember back in the day the strategy was to limit repairs because eventually the item will break. Not so sure if this bolds true for todays game?....... Or does it work in this manner.....as long as you kee items repair, they wont break?.....


Now I remember back in the day the strategy was to limit repairs because eventually the item will break. Not so sure if this bolds true for todays game?....... Or does it work in this manner.....as long as you kee items repair, they wont break?.....
I believe the durability of items is (or has a chance to be) decreased when you perform a repair. There is a lesser chance of this happening with Legendary repair deeds. Durability can be regained by using a Powder of Fortification once it has diminished though.


Now my memory is so so.....lol
Will it say "Legendary" on repair deed? And where is the powder available?..Vendors? Loot?.....
If you find a vendor selling repair deeds, you can single click it and it will say something like "A repair service contract from a Legendary blacksmith". That's how you'll know what level it is (i.e. Grandmaster, Legendary, etc.). It only costs crafters 5gp to make the repair deeds using a blank scroll so you can usually find them on vendors for 20gp or so.

Powder of Fortification is a BOD reward for blacksmiths, but you should be able to find them on vendors for around 10k-15k, maybe less now. I haven't checked the price of them in a while.