Recent content by rustyBreak

  1. R

    How do I get/start a tailor BoD?

    I click the vendor, then click 'Bulk Order Info' and I get a system message that says 'You can get an order now' but nothing else happens. What am I missing? Tailoring is at 110.0 edit: Figured out I have to sell things to NPC...
  2. R

    'That container cannot hold any more items' error with chests

    Didn't know that. I'll double check next time, but I'd be surprised if that was the case unless stacks of gems count as more than one item?
  3. R

    'That container cannot hold any more items' error with chests

    Oftentimes I'll be looting a chest, and I'll use Strength so I can carry a little bit more with me back to town, and even though I have the necessary capacity (post-strength) to carry certain things it says I can't carry more items. Usually I'll be able to get to say 421/428 capacity but if I...
  4. R

    What is a 'stealable rare'?

    Is it a rare that you can steal from other people (i.e. not blessed) or is it a rare you can only get via stealing? Haven't been able to find an explanation. Where do you find them>