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  • I wish I could but I nearly forgotten most things about uo since I last played it when Internet 1st came out. All I remember back then was its very lagggy very crowded it was pvm&p lol i quit playing back then cause I lost my house cause I couldn't get rezzed fast to get my stuff back so this time I'm gonna need some help
    hello, im intrested in joining. Recently started playing, got some skills to GM but still "young". lf people to make friends with, train skills and get gold.
    I'm interested in joining. Recently started after a 12+ year break. Have a archer/hard lvl char working on. Lemme know what I need to do.
    Hi, Was looking to join, and your box was full so I was unable to PM you -- how do I go about joining you folks? EST player working on Tamer, and have a Mage/Bard
    Hi! I'm a very noob and i read you have several italian players here. I'm very casual because of my job in real life, so i'm looking for a nice guild in order to have some fun and relax :) I'm interested in joining this guild if possible. Thank you! (My character's name is Ciompo)
    Hi! Are you accepting ppl from Australian Timezone? I been playing for about 2 weeks on this shard, got Mage/Bard going strong :) My chat name is Pasha The Wizz. Wounder if I can join your guild?
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    Reactions: 1 person
    Yes join us. Find any M*T in game to join
    hi! I'm a very new player on this shard, but i played uo for years. I am intersted to join your guild. I'm italian.

    I saw your show tonight in town. I'm interested in joining a guild. I'm never sure what else to put into these things, but if you have questions or want some information on me you can Pm here and I'll get back you.
    heya whats ur name in game and where u at :) i can log on real fast and get u in
    I'm note sure what toon I want to level just yet been playing with a few. just returned to the game, played back right after age of shadows dropped. I'll get back to you first thing in the am for me and let you know what I got my mind set on. sucks they haven't added paladin :(
    A fellow player recommended I contact you.
    "@[12658:@Tofy] Mage tower guild, Great people! Very helpful!!" -Firecrest
    I am a returning player, my character is 1087 days old, I was a long time UO player on Baja server. been awhile since I have played so I feel like a noob. love to find an active guild, meet new people and of course those willing to help get rid of my noob status lol Hope to hear from ya soon!
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