Recent content by Velkator

  1. Velkator

    ***New Player House Raffle***

    Thank you all ! And thank you especially to the people organizing and gifting items in a raffle like this for new players, helps out a ton. (Faytality, Woobie, Morgy, JennaL) See you all on
  2. Velkator

    ***New Player House Raffle***

    Character: Argolas What a great opportunity you guys are giving a new player with this! love it. And as such, being a new player to this server, I'd like to enter in this raffle :) Me and a friend have been taking it slowly but steady so far, re-learning the game basically, been such a long...
  3. Velkator

    Oh how I have missed thee (old UO)

    Finally a place where I think I will call home for a long time :) Me and a friend have been taking it slowly but steady so far, re-learning the game basically, been such a long time since we last played. We tried a newer era shard a few years ago, but it just didnt feel right. This server fits...