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  1. R

    How do I get/start a tailor BoD?

    I click the vendor, then click 'Bulk Order Info' and I get a system message that says 'You can get an order now' but nothing else happens. What am I missing? Tailoring is at 110.0 edit: Figured out I have to sell things to NPC...
  2. R

    'That container cannot hold any more items' error with chests

    Oftentimes I'll be looting a chest, and I'll use Strength so I can carry a little bit more with me back to town, and even though I have the necessary capacity (post-strength) to carry certain things it says I can't carry more items. Usually I'll be able to get to say 421/428 capacity but if I...
  3. R

    What is a 'stealable rare'?

    Is it a rare that you can steal from other people (i.e. not blessed) or is it a rare you can only get via stealing? Haven't been able to find an explanation. Where do you find them>