24hr AUCTION: 7 Taming SS (Individual bids accepted)


S/B: 175k per
B/0: 250k per

Auction ends 3pm PST Sunday 11/17.

You can bid on or buyout ANY quantity between 1 and 7 scrolls. If buyouts are received I will update this auction with the new total amount of SS available. ONLY buyouts are accepted via PM (first sent first served). All other bids need to be posted in this thread.

You can bid on all scrolls or just one if you like. Highest per scroll bidder wins for the amount that they bid on. If there are any remaining the rest will be reposted for auction next weekend.

For all bids please list the quantity you want and the price per that you will pay. Also accepting Donation Coins at 150k gp per 1k coins.

Let the bidding begin.


Name you've been gone a bit so I'll jump in here: 175-180k per is too dollar on a great placed vendor. Don't bother with starting bid or buyout. Just make a thread for 175k per and you'll get a few PMs.