30x30 ballpark


lol ice island... place hurts my eyes haven't been there in years.

again this comes down to what people are willing to pay. a 30x30 is an endgame house and I just don't think very many people consider ice island end game real estate no matter what size it is.

Better off to just take a screenshot of placed 30x30 if it fits there, and then drop a castle deed to open up to a bigger market (so more people can afford it that would actually want it.) You'll get more bites that way.

Still I think you'd be hard pressed to get over 10m for a castle on ice. So in essence 20m is the max value of a 30x30 on ice imo.


There was this 30x30 near the bog of desolation (salsa owned it, then nightmare, now werkt guildhouse) that was selling For 20m (maybe even 18 lol) at one time.

And the location is 1000x better than ice.

Really Who would pay 10m For a castle on ice?


Nobody, but who wouldn't be willing to pay 20 if they were serious about a 30x30 regardless of location?

I think it's a wise investment if an owner of a crap castle plot has no CY blockage to convert. I think any 30x30 reaches 20m.


i was pretty serious about a 30x30 and never considered one on ice island.

Sure if i had a castle there (and thank god i don't) i'd probably convert it to 30x30 given the opportunity, but i'd never ever pay 20m for one. NEVER.

You have a 30x30 in a really nice location in front of one of ITAs 18x18, how much did you pay for it? That's definitely worth 25m+ , but as Hanes said, Ice island hurts people's eyes and is only good if you need cheap storage.

I'd say 30x30 in normal locations (like near swamps or in the middle of fucking nowhere with neighbours) should be around 20-22m, good locations 25-30m and bad locations (ie. ice island, swamp, blockage, heavy spawn etc) should be worth less than 20m definitely. I mean, the placement is 10m, plot in a bad location can't be worth other 10m lol


I think just the novelty of the size of the custom says it's worth more than the sum of its parts if in swamp or on Ice. But maybe not. Hard to say unless you see it happen.

I gave 22m for my 30x30, RL friend discount though. It's probly a top 5 non raffle plot. Khadul had offers of 30 from multiple sources.

I bought the crappy little neighboring 9x14 or whatever it is to the east for 2.5m to keep it out of the hands of Hanesboi @wreckognize

Remember, Haney-boo-baney, GOLD ALWAYS WINS !

Now I'm gonna get a little off-topic and tell you my latest encounter with creeper Hanes.


The extra mil i paid for the plot on your account waas worth hearing the stories from those TOAD guys. Things like how you told them right off the bat that you were gonna try to buy it to grief me and when given access to the house immediately went to the roof and started hucking ev's into the courtyard of my 30x30.

Lol I'm serious. This actually happened.

Those TOAD guys were like yeah we don't want anything to do with that guy but we are new and poor so can we get a bit more gold out of the plot?

And I said here you go, dudes. Have an extra mil and in the future if you need anything at all I won't forget this day when the good guys won. It'll come back around to you.

See that's how you make friends. You don't make friends by hucking EVs or shooting arrows from your house, or generally being a *****.
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looks like I got a ways to go then. only half-way there.
kicker is, it isn't even for me! I want to give my guild a cool place to hang out and mess around.

any plot on ice is complete shit imo. Have to agree with several of you who are like-minded.


lol it was funny, the guy says ''hey, can you remember the name of that guy you were killing after that CTF?'' and I'm like ''yeah why, that was bromista he's got the same name on forums'' he's all ''oh, well he's about to buy my plot that's right beside his'' and i'm like ''moonglow??'' and he's like ''no, vesper.''

well I didnt even know bromista had a plot there since he already owns 3 other plots, so I'm like '' can you gate it for me?'' and he's like ''sure''

so we get to the plot and sure enough it's right beside a 30x30 that appears to have been decorated by a woman. I wasn't even sure it was Bromista's until we seen him recall there and enter it. I offered up a mill for the plot. He said I would have to pay more since the offer was already higher. My thoughts at this point are that there's no way I could ever get any satisfaction out of the house if it costed any more than that.

So I decided to bring Charlie out to check the view. We talked about how if Bromista actually did buy the adjacent plot that he would then own 5 plots, given that one of them is on the raffle island so not sure if those count towards house limit, but still this borders on the obscene for a player who is constantly trying to get his adversaries banned for rules violations.

We chatted a bit and decided that the best way to deal with this situation was to offer way more gold than Bromista could ever hope to pay without using his credit card first. I threw down a 2m offer which was also rejected. I then told the fellow that he should PM me on the forums and let me know Bromistas high mark so that I could throw down a mill on top of it. We made sure it was apparent that we would use the house to grief and we spit a few EVs into the large, poorly decorated dungeon floor garden that is bromista's 30x30.

We left knowing that Bromista would not be able to buy the house now for less than 2 million, at least 1 mill over what he was originally going to pay if the TOAD guy wasn't left to ask me questions about how to contact bromista, which is also primarily because I griefed him after his display of poor sportsmanship in the CTF prior to this. So it's nice to have it confirmed to say the least, and to know which doorstep to leave my PK idle at. The moral of the story is, Bromista got penalized 1 million gold for shouting profanities using the CTF team chat system. Don't let it happen to you!

I would not sell a castle on ice island for less than 8-10m. A castle will always have value as pretty much every player wants one anywhere if they don't have one, thus it's a total sellers market; the seller dictates the price. If you try to go much higher than 10 million though you're then competing with grass/swamp castle sales which range around 15-20m, so breaching 10m for ice well people are likely to just start saving up for a better castle somewhere else. And I don't think people really don't care as much about blockage with castles as they do with 30x30s, mostly because you can recall inside a castle.


I like castles as much as the next guy, but just seems like a lot of wasted space due to the design. Love the posts tho, you guys are entertaining! Nice way to spend a Friday afternoon at work... (and mining)

8 million saved.




Lolhanes, I thought you were better than this. I'm up to 6 plots now. You taking counting lessons from some of these UOG nerds?

Karl Sagan

I wanna buy a 30x30 damnit

I think a house on ice is fine as long as you have a house not on ice as well. It's definitely different and I'm sure a cool design could be done on a 30x30 there.

When I had my side by side castle+18x18 there it wasn't bad but then you recall to a grass plot and you're like FUCK THIS IS BEAUTIFUL