WTS 7x12 Mining House NW of Cove *SOLD*



Don't miss the chance to own this nice property! Located NW of Cove on the mountain!! Enjoy 2 mining caves to the east and tons of ettins, ogres, and trolls to slaughter to the west! Multiple healers roam near by as well. Just north of here is a single rideable wolf spawn and perhaps one of the craziest spawns of ogres, ettins, and trolls in all the land!
First 200k owns this! PM me or post here !!! :)

Derek Ridley

don't get home till about 7pm central time tonight, however I'll have to check with my aunt to borrow the rest of money, I have a bank check for 50k
and the rest will come from her prolly.


Considering that the plot is less than 150K to place it and that mining is not useful atm (I want the house for extra storage). I'd pay 175K for the plot. If you are interested contact me please.