- Living Environments, Boats! Boats! Boats!


Staff member
A lot of changes to bring the world alive!

  • Added health bars the appear indicating the health of hull durability, sail durability, starboard and port cannons.
  • Added initial code for a NPC cannoneer which can hurt boats.
    • Will be used in the future for some boat specific content.
Added another level of security for validating logins
  • This will allow us to prevent non approved clients from connecting directly to the server to bypass validation on the login server.
  • This will immediately be applied to overdrive, preventing non forever clients from being able to connect to it from direction connections.
NPCs are now able to walk through objects which normally block movement if they're moveable
  • This means you cannot use crates or other objects to block NPCs.
  • NPCs will no longer destroy the items instead.
Added support for special health bars to be added to any NPC.

Additional error messages when logging in.
  • Fixed the message when a character on your account is currently logged into the world.
Recoded the combat system to add support for being in combat with items.

Rewards Cache:
  • Added field "Display Name" to allow for the name of the cache to be split from the display id/name of the cache.
  • Fixed disabled items from being handed out when the cache is set to weighted.
  • Added several staff commands for managing rewards caches.
Living Environments


  • Added this base system which will allow for players to interact more with objects around them, and for staff to be able to add new rewards. They will be sub divided into the following categories
    • Damageable Structures
      • This will be item(s) which are damageable either by attacking them with your fists/weapons, explosions (cannons and xpots), cannons, or xpots.
    • Harvesting Rewards
      • This will be the item(s) which allow you to use a pickaxe, axe, or fishing rod to receive the rewards.
    • Interactable Objects
      • This will be the item(s) which you only need to double click the item and it will open and reveal their reward.
  • All items could have untold risks to damaging, harvesting, or opening them.. but it could also lead to massive rewards. Keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks out of place, these items could be mistaken as just decoration!