ANYONE else tired of gluttony saying anyone can do it....

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Staff member

It will have rewards at both ends, it needs to be looked at for sure.

Instead of the snide comments, some suggestions or constructive feed back based on your play style would be more beneficial.

Thank you

Tard the Paladin

It will have rewards at both ends, it needs to be looked at for sure.
Instead of the snide comments, some suggestions or constructive feed back based on your play style would be more beneficial.

Thank you

It should be considered that the problems that blues face at champ spawns are of their own doing. Blue guilds do not invite other blues or other guilds to assist them in completing champs. This is because they do not want to decrease their chance at getting a power scroll. That's part of the balance though. You can complete a champ with enough blues that reds don't raid or you can attempt to finish a champ with small numbers.

I do wonder how this will fit in with the Kingdom Expansion which appears to encourage teamwork and PvP. It seems that making champ spawns risk-free would work against this concept.


Is it possible to make the area you can recall into larger when a champ starts?

Abyss for example, I always thought it would be cool if once the champ starts you could only recall into the asylum area. Reds would have to go through the gate and run the daemon gauntlet before getting into the champ.

Means those that start it have a little time to group and defend. My experience in champs is that as much as some want to defend, the surprise nature of the zerg means people just panic and run/die/recall.

I think anything which makes it no risk for those doing a champ is not a good thing

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Staff member
So how is it being changed?

Will stealing PS still be a thing?

More rewards and we are thinking of a point system in a sense.
Just throwing ideas around right now.

No one can deny that spending 1+ hours at a champ spawn then having a group sweep all that time/work away in less than 3 minutes is a problem. In a way it's unbalanced in the sense of time investment, specially if it's happening more than not.

It's a good debate since it is a problem.
It would be totally different if there weren't as MANY reds as there are blues these days, and if this wasn't free to play where you can jump on another account if you get statted as a red etc.


As long as there is still reward for reds and they aren't excluded from the loot table for their play style.... RDAs and champs are end game content and should be inclusive to *all* play styles. As it stands, there are plenty of successful champs done by blues and plenty that are raided by reds.

Raiding RDAs and bosses isn't anything like raiding champs. Bosses and RDAs take minutes to complete, champs take hours.

Nobody leaves because their RDA got jacked - people do leave after they invest hours in a champ for the sake of someone who will invest minutes.


No one can deny that spending 1+ hours at a champ spawn then having a group sweep all that time/work away in less than 3 minutes is a problem. In a way it's unbalanced in the sense of time investment, specially if it's happening more than not.

champ spawns are end game content, every champ was raided on osi. if a guild is getting raided at the end of a champ then they aren't ready for that content. Take a guild like $ or kings, they have a group of blues ready to fight if their champ gets contested. With stat loss, a ton of champs do not get raided and to leave pvmers free to farm end game content(120 tames, relics, etc) with no risk is a mistake.


to leave pvmers free to farm end game content(120 tames, relics, etc) with no risk is a mistake.

It's the raiders that take no risk. They invest a few minutes, they stand to gain all the champ rewards and what do they stand to lose when they can hop on a duplicate character during stat loss?


It's the raiders that take no risk. They invest a few minutes, they stand to gain all the champ rewards and what do they stand to lose when they can hop on a duplicate character during stat loss?

raiders take no risk? they have to go on reds and run a risk of a two day stat. how is that not a risk?


I don't understand why anyone in their right mind thinks they deserve a free shot at 8+ million gold on a FELUCCA server.

If you aren't prepared to defend your chance at making millions of gold, farm ettins until you can buy that from a player willing to defend a spawn.

"Champion spawns were re-introduced during Publish 16 as a way to reinvigorate the dead Felucca landscape. The purpose was to "Establish an area where non-consensual PvP can thrive for a significant number of UO’s players" and "Provide meaningful and compelling rewards for players that successfully adventure in the specified areas." The system was a smashing success drawing hundreds of players per shard to Felucca, many who vowed never to go back and some who had never ventured there before. This was due in part by players losing nothing except the potential rewards, upon death a player and all their items would be transported to a Felucca town healer such as the one in Britain."


champ spawns are end game content, every champ was raided on osi. if a guild is getting raided at the end of a champ then they aren't ready for that content. Take a guild like $ or kings, they have a group of blues ready to fight if their champ gets contested. With stat loss, a ton of champs do not get raided and to leave pvmers free to farm end game content(120 tames, relics, etc) with no risk is a mistake.


One cannot be considered a hero if he cannot compete with the evil of man. One cannot be considered an adventurer if he takes no risks.

If you're blue and your champ is successfully raided, you did not have the people for the content- whether it be numbers or will.

I cannot accept the "multiple accounts" argument against reds. They may have multiple reds, but they too have finite character availability. Blues can continue to come in after death, waging an attrition battle of its own. Reds die and that character is most often out of the battle, so eventually they either cannot play at all - in the event all of their slots are red- or they are forced onto a blue - which must take counts or remain blue/unflagged.

This system is fair; apathy should not be catered to. 8-10 reds split loot the same as 8-10 blues. Last I checked, both styles of game play are marketing relics and power scrolls.

More people involved= less chance at individual loot but higher chance of group success

Less people involved = more chance at individual loot but lower chance of group success

This is risk vs reward.
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It's the raiders that take no risk. They invest a few minutes, they stand to gain all the champ rewards and what do they stand to lose when they can hop on a duplicate character during stat loss?

I would argue that raiding a champ is significantly harder than doing one.


I still think the ability to recall into dungeons should be looked into. Guilds doing champs should be set up at entrances with stealthers and revealers to give their group a heads up before a raid.


I still think the ability to recall into dungeons should be looked into. Guilds doing champs should be set up at entrances with stealthers and revealers to give their group a heads up before a raid.

I'm fine with this. To remain consistent with this resolution, recalling out of a dungeon would be a warranted change. They can't recall in to you, but you can't recall out on them. Just like OSI, right?


Yes, they have the star room actually. Which can be a challenge in and of itself. But I believe still better than current mechanics. Perhaps a timer that kicks you from the star roomy after so long, so no long term camping. *shrugs


Help stuck option and logging in champ spawn area would/should force you to drop everything, including what's on your cursor too. Otherwise it would become a choke point stalemate with fields until loot holders successfully logged out or help stuck.


It will have rewards at both ends, it needs to be looked at for sure.

Instead of the snide comments, some suggestions or constructive feed back based on your play style would be more beneficial.

Thank you

First and foremost , changing the powerscroll or relic into bank directly is a big NO NO . Many players that i know play UO for the full loot pvp ( taking away rivals precious pixels etc is a major reason ) . Powerscroll + Relic is considered end game content and it should remain as it is .

Now back to blues complaining about gettting zerg in the last minute , i understand where you are coming from but i feel this should be a more player driven solution which means you need to :

- mark safe spots for champs spawns
- send a scout before champ dies
- get a group to fight together

But i have to also agree DodgeQMS is causing major problems .

Also let me summarise :

-We cant blame glutts for being good at propaganda and marketing his guild . Hes good at getting new players to join his guild and we cant fault him for that . Nevertheless , this has caused a huge imbalance which smaller and more pvm oriented guilds have no chance competing against DodgeQMS .

- We also cant blame new players that joined the server to join DodgeQMS . New players that just joined the server dont want to be grief 24/7 . Also more established guilds have stricter recruitment policy so newer players have no choice but to join DodgeQMS if they want to enjoy champs / RDAs etc . This is a vicious cycle spiralling downwards .

With a limited UO population overall , its unlikely there can be 2-3 DodgeQMS type of guilds on the server . We should focus on solving the bigger underlying problem which DodgeQMS has caused . A good start will be looking at guilds structure ( e.g cost much more to have/upkeep a bigger guild etc)

Thats just my 2 cents .

@Shane @eppy @JoeB @halygon @Swayze
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I still think the ability to recall into dungeons should be looked into. Guilds doing champs should be set up at entrances with stealthers and revealers to give their group a heads up before a raid.

this gives guilds a fighting chance at least. I can see a complaint with being able to gate 30 reds/blues in 50 feet from an altar, but raiding is apart of this game.

not the best example but you can see how they actually defend their champion spawn with fire and para fields, etc. not just recall and post on forums.

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