WTS Blaze Billy Goat Statuette -sold-


WTS Blaze Billy Goat Statuette
blaze billy goat.png

S/B 3m
Bid Increments: 100k
B/O: 15M :eek:

Bidding End 24 Hours after last bid AFTER 12:00 EST Monday 18 (im just not available this weeked is all)
(any bids that are placed on 12 noon est sunday still count as the start of the 24 hours for clarification. Before then, the time starts ticking 12:00 sunday.)

Items valued for trade:
Dispersion Relic @ 3.5m
Shadowy Relic @ 5m
Tread Relic @ 3m
Spider Food @ 130k each

Other offers welcome, please pm for need of item - all items that are used for a bid will be posted in thread w/ price for clarity.