Bring back Scruffy's Green Barrel(Trash Tokens)


Bring back the trash token system! It would be pretty cool to get something out of all the junk items we find while farming. It would create more incentive, which would motivate more people to want to go out and farm.
I am aware that you can sell junk armor/weapons to blacksmiths but imo it's not worth the weight. I leave the junk to make more room for gold.
I think it would be pretty cool to have the trash token system set-up. =D

"Naked & Fearless. ...and my fear is naked!" - MJK


Yea I liked the trash newbies something to do as well. This is all i did for a while there.
Except rename the guy to oscar the grouch.


all those pouches,bags,backpacks filled with, bread,gourds,beeswax, articles of clothing, etc, could have a use? that would be awesome!!!


The trash system could be cool if what you chould get wasn't worse than what you threw away. How about an upgrade deed? Lets you change that next power sword to a vanq sword so the next PK that nails you has something good? Or use it to upgrade armor?
Maybe buy platimun coins to trash tokens? 100 trash = 1 platinum maybe?