Buy ArchDemon Blood


I don't believe this is a sellable item. However, the arch demon does spawn in wrong 3. and for the quest all you need to do is hit him once, be alive when he dies, and within a screen of him.

the only downside is the timer is 3-4 hours

Young Star

Yeah you really just need to find out when he is spawned and go in with some throwaway gear and keep hitting him. There is a shrine to res and hopefully get to your body to get aids or regs to get healed up. He has one spell that 1 hit kills everyone next to him. It is a big orb that drops from the ceiling. If most of the others in the room know what they're doing you will see them all run away and you just need to do the same to avoid the attack. The blood vile is blessed and locked to your backpack like your quest stone.

Young Star

It's not that bad. The hard part is catching when he is spawned before he gets killed. You have about 15-20 minutes. PKs will probably be the biggest issue trying to be alive when he finally dies. Some people are there to actually get the other rares and scroll he drops and don't need the blood vile.