Champ Spawn scroll distribution issues


yea I really appreciate everyones hard work I just rolled up on a champ. threw in 5 ebolts. got a 110 provo thx again!
Aaaaand that's what UO is all about!

Anyone who opposes the current lotto must not have been playing here or champing back in the day. It used to be so fucked up that anyone who damaged the boss had the same fucking chance as players who worked the entire spawn.

My personal favorite moment: rolling to a community Semidar (probably 30-40 players) while she was redlined and hitting with 2 ebolts and 2 lightnings resulting in a 120 Provo. Sold instantly for 400k which was top dollar and a lot more gold then than it was now.

The new system beats the fuck out of that shit. End of discussion IMO.