Community Manager?


And how is halygon not a good candidate for this? He is a pvp player, knows the game inside and out, and is helpful/generous to others. Also he is very active and can actually write coherently. Not to toot a horn but we don't even need a vote, this should just be insta-done.


And how is halygon not a good candidate for this? He is a pvp player, knows the game inside and out, and is helpful/generous to others. Also he is very active and can actually write coherently. Not to toot a horn but we don't even need a vote, this should just be insta-done.
its because he's a pvp player I say no.. and because of that ive seen all arguments he has made in favor of pvp .. I dont think he would be a good representative on the pvm side of things .. as ive never seen him argue on behalf of the PvM game .

if we are talking a PVP community rep . yes indeed i think hal is an ok fit there .. but not as a rep for the overall big picture ..


its because he's a pvp player I say no.. and because of that ive seen all arguments he has made in favor of pvp .. I dont think he would be a good representative on the pvm side of things .. as ive never seen him argue on behalf of the PvM game .

if we are talking a PVP community rep . yes indeed i think hal is an ok fit there .. but not as a rep for the overall big picture ..
Well, in Halygon's defense, this entire shard represents PVM that's why he doesn't say anything about PvM. It is simply not needed lol.


I agree with edw3rdwood about Halygon. I don't think he often argues for PvM because PvMer's are already overpowered as it is (if someone who has been on the shard for 3 days can solo balrons, yes, it's OP). He's just arguing for balance. Also, he clearly knows what he's talking about in terms of mechanics since he wrote more guides about them than any other person.

+1 for his ability to type, too. I cringe reading 90% of these threads just from lack of typing skills alone.


I'll vote for Halygon as well. I haven't been on the shard for long, but what time I have spent perusing these forums, he has been very visible and helpful. I have not encountered him in the game yet, but it is good to hear the altruism extends there as well. +1 vote here. :)


They would have to be some kind of god to manage this community

There's no real need for the position to be filled. This is an excellent community with a ton of friendly faces and an extremely competent staff. If anything people just need a place to blow off steam.

+1 Rants n fleezy
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i vote for me, somene that PLAY , and want his and other player FUN, know about other player FUN :)

@Karl Sagan @TriXa @wreckognize

btw i HOPE , and i THINK imho, that is better something like a private forum or public but moderated..something like a COUNCIL with a group of old players..that can discuss and HELP the staff with updgrades\changes\improvements :)

btw from my proposal in the server for you guys we have: cause STAFF liked :) and im proud of them
maybe staff changed some details..but the core proposal was made by me... :)))

- HUED statuette in mobs ..
- Slayer ARMOR (but i hope they relase a light version..of them to make them more used)
- Armor in Kaldun Wereable and other missing pieces..


i think a group of OPEN MINDED players..that can talk about new things\improvements..a direct contact with the staff..could make a good make this server increase with new players right now..but also keep the old players :)


We've talked about this and thought about bringing someone on for just this. Picking that person is a whole new ball game though honestly.


Asics, I like you and your ideas are important, keep spewing them, but that is exactly it, you just spew. Personally I think you are better as a player/idea man than as a moderator or medium for real change. You are VOCAL and that is good, and 90% of the time your ideas are very interesting, but as a medium between players & devs? I'm not too sure. A lot of your stuff is rambunctious and that is GREAT as a player making opinions, but as any sort of moderator, I feel you may be too short-sighted.

Dont hate :oops:


There was a staff member that was basically that person, Bryce. I don't think he's around in any capacity any more.

He responded. A lot. He also directly asked players for input on ideas that staff was kicking around.
He got fired.for liking POWER members

Karl Sagan

We've talked about this and thought about bringing someone on for just this. Picking that person is a whole new ball game though honestly.

Lots of resources in the player base and this thread. Might be worth considering someone to head a 'team' of players with specific, measurable goals centered around PR and customer service.


He got fired.for liking POWER members

He wasn't fired. He left on his own terms. Whether he liked POWER or not doesn't matter. he liked a lot of people. And though he came off as a hard ass sometimes, he still did the most he could with his job title and with him being gone you can definitely feel the lack of that extra helper on the server.


He wasn't fired. He left on his own terms. Whether he liked POWER or not doesn't matter. he liked a lot of people. And though he came off as a hard ass sometimes, he still did the most he could with his job title and with him being gone you can definitely feel the lack of that extra helper on the server.
I kno i was jus talkn shiz


Little reference to what I do as a staff member because I seem rather mysterious to some of you as a staffer. Might have to give myself a warning point for slightly necroing a thread but, I had missed it because I was away last weekend and did not realize how mysterious I had become to some of you guys.

I as a staff member answer massive amounts of pages. Even when Bryce was around I nearly doubled his page answering *flexes*. I have been on staff for a very long time now. Started as counselor worked up to Seer and eventually, just recently, became Event Master. This is just a higher level of staffing giving me more abilities which I mostly use to help players while not completely interfering with game play. The less work that admins have to do in regards to pages the better as its all about development. I also miss Bryce. Him and I talked everyday sometimes all day when he was on staff but, he is gone and still in our pixel hearts.

I work every day during the week but answer pages while at work. Most answers to pages are great, they are helping players who did not know the answer to questions. That is a large bulk of pages which, is very nice. Unfortunately, answering pages sometimes means giving people answers they do not like but, that goes with the territory. That could mean a few players have had had frustrating experiences with me. I am the enforcer of rules, especially our Terms of use in game. This is often rough but it needs to get done for the sake of the community. I was staff aka Pagemaster for the 3 day revert so lets just say I've taken my licks.

I also attempt to help with ideas and things that sometimes Shane/Adam/Carl need help with *cough* POKER. If you have paged in it is highly unlikely that you have not come into contact with me unless you needed an Admin's assistance or I was sleeping/watching football. Answers are given strategically because the idea behind it is that we want you to figure out the answers for yourselves sometimes. This is why sometimes I leave pages open ended. I run a lot of PVP tournaments and have run many CTF's since getting the power to do so again.

I do not show my staff char to the community very often. I don't like to interrupt game play in that manner because when a staff member actually shows up everyone stops in their tracks. Some staffers tend to "Poof." more than me but, it just isn't my thing. This means that you do not see me as a staff member in game unless you Page in with a question that I feel can be better explained in person. If there are multiple players around I often will only reveal myself to you. It is hard to fit an answer in those small text boxes. I also am not very active on the forums when it comes to posting which is where you see a lot of staff interaction. I am on the forums all day but have my staff name "hidden" so it appears that I am not there. I read the forums react especially to good ideas(in my opinion) however I do not typically post in the forums. I guess I should do that more. The mIRC and forums are some of my favorite things on this shard . I tend use a different Aliaso_O on mIRC though so you many times will not see my staff name in there unless all hell starts breaking loose. This happens from time to time as you guys know.

So hey guys in case you didn't even know who I am I do exist here. I love this shard and have been on it since the beginning. I have interacted with many of you many times outside of staffing as well.

I fully support the idea of us getting a Community Manager and I feel it should be someone who fits that role and only commits to that role as Shane and other staffers had said. We added some counselors and I talk to them regularly try to teach them the ways of mastering the pages. Be easy on the pages, we get beat up sometimes and I have been called every name in the book but still love you guys. Being a counselor is rough. I know from experience so be nice to them they just want to help. I try to help out with the shard as much as I can and want to see it grow up bigger and stronger than it already is. There are lots of new players out there everyday asking how things work so help them out. Shout out to the Vet players who are obviously my favorites.

Good luck reading that mess up there,


JoeB is tirelessly pounding on the pavement every day for you guys, and I can only envy his dedication at this point. You tend to only see the ones who are most vocal and 'visible' and he operates pretty discretely. I am a little more behind the scenes as well and can fully appreciate the enormous burden of what JoeB does (effortlessly) every single day. He is what I aspire to be.

Also, we do hear you guys. We each have a responsibility here, so let's build this community to be the best it can be.


Oh I am sure I would do a great job as I am the most unselfish person on the shard. I literally do almost nothing for myself and everything for others.

But you are right. Maybe someone like... hmm.. @so-LOW would be better? I bet between him and @K A Z they could make some big improvements and even make a new swimming pool for all UOFers filled with QQ.
I love this