Convince me to play UO:F - 10 Years Gone from UO - Questions


There is a 700 Skill cap
225 stat cap
There are Power scrolls in game but they are for crafting. There are a couple that help in PvM PvP like Taming 120 and Lumberjacking 120.
So the field is very even. Most PVP players that run dexxers also use magery to help get that extra heal or that magic resist.

I don't really PvP but mainly PvM right now. And it is a blast when I'm out gold farming and a red swoops in and the chase is on. If It's 1v1 I'll fight..if not, it's try and elude and survive. Such a rush!

Hell....I don't even get pissed when I get PK'ed 3 times on my miner and lose about 3k in iron's like...."Thank GOD! I was so damn bored mining!!"

The game really does have the thrill like when I started to play back in 98 as well. Also, as a bonus....NO T2A!!
And they even made a new land Mass called Booty Island. It's way nifty!

Then there is the Sea Warfare....Galleons man!! With big ass guns and grappling hooks and and.......*phew*

I got all excited. hehe

Give it a will not be disappointed.



If you like pre tram UO this is a pretty solid server for all around play whether it be a tamer, PK craftsman or whatever. Skill gains are pretty fast and unattended macroing is ok as long as you are not acquiring resources. Also things are not outrageously expensive for the most part yet and there are still locations where housing can be placed so It's pretty easy to get situated for a new player. Other than the fairly frequent ddos attacks recently I really have nothing bad to say about the shard.

John Kimble


I'm Detective John.Kimble and I demand that you try the server out.

And also I wrote a poem for you...



There is a 700 Skill cap
225 stat cap
There are Power scrolls in game but they are for crafting. There are a couple that help in PvM PvP like Taming 120 and Lumberjacking 120.
So the field is very even. Most PVP players that run dexxers also use magery to help get that extra heal or that magic resist.
120 Lumberjacking does nothing for PvP or PvM. The damage bonus is capped at 100.


yes but you can go over 700 skill by using powerscrolls for some skills that allow you take those skills as high as 120 without taking away from the 700 point skill cap. So say you have a craftsman that is 7xgm and you use a 105 black smith scroll your skill cap will go to 705 but the extra 5 can only be used in the skill for which the scroll is designated.

You can take your skill base to 720. Now once your there you can drain those points back out and apply those 20 extra points somewhere else up to GM


120 Lumberjacking does nothing for PvP or PvM. The damage bonus is capped at 100.


I did not know that. Still....I use my lumber jacking to work an appetite for pancakes! Wish it gave a bonus to kick out more colored wood!