Crafter and bod runner template

King Dingaling

what template are you guys using for a bod char? i have a gm smith/tailor/mining on my char now. i have a scribe macer that i am adding the 120 tailor and 120 smith to (dropping the mele stuff obviously).

so the scribe will be 100 magery/100 med/120 tailor/120 smith/100 scribe (maybe 120)

not sure if i should keep the gm smith and tailor to run other bods and keep the mining on him. also there is tinker, carp i may want to add to either char. so unsure about how i should put all this on 2 chars...

also, can they be on the same account? just curious how you guys are setting up these templates. i dont mind deleting and moving around chars to other accounts if it makes more sense