Do Skills Check Stats For Completion %


In other words I have a thief, does Stealing check Dex on Success Rate? Is there a reason to have 100 Dex over 100 Int with my Theif Template? Its a Chest Farmer who occasionally finds other items sticky?


Somewhat related - do stam/mana/hits affect success rate as well? I notice that the majority of my provo fails are immediately after being hit for large damage and have low stamina / health. I would assume it's from the stamina rather than the hits.


Skill gain and success rate have no correlation to stats. For example, 10dex will have as many successful steals as 100dex does.

That said, stats DO affect shown skill, special moves, and swing speed.

You could make a loose argument that stats affect skill gain for melee skills as high dex will give faster swing rate and hence more chances for gain in a given time.