Do tactics modifiers matter?


If a character has > 100 tactics via equipping a (non-archery) weapon with an accuracy modifier, does that change the damage of the weapon? I ask because my reference is the wiki which itself references 2014 patch notes

In those references, it shows the following:
New Formula: ((basedamage + QualityModifier) * bonus) where bonus =
bonus += Math.Min(100.0, attacker.Str) / 500.0 +
bonus += Math.Min(anatomyValue, 100.0) / 500.0 + if (anatomy == 100)(bonus +0.1) +
bonus += (Math.Min(tacticsValue, 100) - 50.0) / 100.0;
bonus += lumberValue / 500.0

By this math, the tactics bonus would be calculated from the LESSER of [tactics vs 100] - so one would think if you got tactics above 100, this math would cancel out the bonus. Same for strength? Is this still the math the server uses? If so, I bet this information would influence the value of +tactics modifying weapons, because most people GM tactics. It would be quite handy for sub-GM templates to know the accuracy modifier would put them on fully-even footing with GM skill competition.


[6:22 AM] drasked: @eppy is it true that having above 100 tactics does nothing?
[6:23 AM] eppy: no
[6:23 AM] drasked: so the formula on wiki is incorrect?
[6:23 AM] eppy: yes

I would love some of these formulas on the wiki, give us min maxers something to drool over.


Thank you for the quick response - I agree knowing the real/current formula would give me something to chew on! Also - the same math cap is present for STR > 100 and Anatomy > 100 (currently impossible to achieve anyway), so if we're taking the time to verify, it would be nice to know if 110 STR gives more damage than 100.