Dr. Alonso Klien from Siege

Dr. Alonso Klien

New Member
In googling randomly I discovered a "Crazy Joe" thread on these forums then decided to create an account. Thinking of re-rolling here for fun.

I remember Crazy Joe. He helped me get even with a no good house thief once. **Cough Cough** Episode 160 **Cough Cough**. I had a 56k back then so I couldn't really PvP so I cut my own way and RPed a little with a Thief Catcher character (Dr. Alonso Klien). It was fun but I was no pro. I still blame the 56k. I did find very creative ways to make money with "useless" skills. As such, I was pretty well off on Siege.

I played a few other shards, Baja most specifically, but I kept going back to Siege. Even if I'm not the best player in the world, I like amassing a fortune in games by being creative.