WTS Ethereal Swamp Dragon


Ok bud.... this is ETHEREAL not a regular mount.



Well my friend went there to pick this up for me and accidentally drop a check, then he picked it up and said;

u scammed me hard before
fk u

then left. Mmmm Yeah I actually got scummed here.


Do NOT scam your fellow UOF players. This could lead to a lot worse penalties than a forum warning or blocking.
One bump per 24-hour period per thread.

This is from trading guideline, I think I gonna have to report this.


He dropped it. And if that is the old Kazz i know he scammed me big a couple times so I think we'll call it even now.

If the mods have a problem with someone dropping a check and me picking it up, please contact me and I'll return it.

Ethy still for sale if anyone wants.


He dropped it. And if that is the old Kazz i know he scammed me big a couple times so I think we'll call it even now.

If the mods have a problem with someone dropping a check and me picking it up, please contact me and I'll return it.

Ethy still for sale if anyone wants.

that's definitely not that old kazz(not to be confused german kaz) dude lol

ps sell it to me dumbass cheap since u already came up 650k

lol jk i hope you get your ethy @kazzkky